For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Dr. Prather says that the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment is the #1 treatment he does in his office to make the biggest change in someone's health. And 80% of us need it. In this episode, we talk about:
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
A proven plan for 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer hospital stays, 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 85% savings in pharmaceuticals. In this episode, you'll find out:
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
2.8 million older people are treated in emergency rooms every year due to falls, causing $31 billion in annual medical costs. But there are steps you can take to prevent falls as you age. In this episode, you'll learn: --How only half of all older people report their fall to anyone and only 25% even tell their doctor about it. And that falls are the most common cause for Traumatic Brain Injury and most people die within two years of hip injuries. --Why those on blood thinners need to go to their doctor IMMEDIATELY after a fall. --The conditions that make falls more likely, including Vitamin D or B-12 deficiencies that can cause vertigo. And why Dr. Prather says falls are usually an indication that something is wrong, not "just a fall". --That Postural Hypotension is when you feel unsteady or dizzy when you stand up. And the symptoms to look for with Postural Hypotension. --How Aluminum Toxicity from Anti-Perspirants can cause falls, neurological symptoms, and even Osteoporosis. And how Aluminum Toxicity can even be mistaken for Dementia and Alzheimer's. --How low Adrenals are common among older people. And why Dr. Prather has said to many patients, "If I had adrenal function like you, I'd be falling over too!" --That 70% of all medications can be a cause of falls. And why your cholesterol-lowering statin drug may contribute to falls. --Why The Prather Practice is "uniquely positioned" to help their patients avoid falls due to their non-pharmaceutical approach, extensive lab tests, and help with postural issues that lead to falls. --How TMJ can cause vertigo, inner ear issues, and falls. --How Kinesthetic awareness (where you are in time and space) is one of the main issues for age-related illness. Plus, how Tai Chi classes at The Prather Practice is one of the most effective means of preventing falls and maintaining youth. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Patient complaints from pain and discomfort can be reduces by 85% if Structure/Function Care is added to the Disease Care treatments for Cancer patients. In this episode, discover: --The two different health care categories defined by the FDA: Structure/Function Care and Disease Care. --That "Homeostasis" is the definition of health and the goal of all Structure/Function Care. --How Structural Care (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage) eliminates pain and discomfort for Cancer patients and helps reduce patient complaints. --The gentle Chiropractic adjustment techniques Dr. Prather uses that are perfect for patients who have fragile bones or cannot handle much force. --How Functional Care is associated with proven longevity for Cancer patients by dealing with areas such as Liver Toxicity and Anemia. And why a Functional Medicine doctor like Dr. Prather needs to coordinate with the Oncologist to make sure these treatments interact safely with Cancer treatments. --Why Diagnostics and Lab Tests (X-Rays, Blood Work, Hair Analysis) are MORE thorough in Structure/Function Care than Disease Care. --How Dr. Prather's post-graduate education as a D.A.B.C.I. is helpful when it comes to knowing what's going on in the patient. --Why you probably wouldn't develop Cancer in the first place if your immune system was functioning prooperly. And how boosting the immune system should be a key part of any Cancer patient's health care. --The Food Rotation Diet recommended by Dr. Prather to Cancer patients to relieve stress on the immune system. And the specialized diets he recommends based on different types of Cancer. --How Structure/Function Health Care benefits patients who have completed their Cancer treatments. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
There isn't any part of your body that doesn't work better as a result of exercise. In this episode, find out: --How your risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, Dementia, and Alzheimer's are reduced as a result of exercise. --The percentage of Americans who receive the MINIMAL amount of recommended exercise each week. --How it's "worthless" to try and teach children if physical activity is not included in their schedule. --Why New Yorkers have higher fitness levels than the rest of the country. --The astonishing percentage of those with a gym membership who NEVER use it! --Why you need to design an exercise program with a set schedule that you can stick with consistently. --How just walking for 30 minutes a day and doing resistance exercise for 20 minutes twice a week can transform your health. --The 5 components of exercise that we all need. --How Dr. Prather can duplicate five years of marathon training for your heart in just seven weeks with External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy, which is especially helpful for patients with cardiovascular disease who cannot exercise. --The biggest indicator of how old you are, and why it's the reason older people fall. (And the best exercise for this.) www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
This week, the U.S. Surgeon General sent a letter to all health care practitioners asking for their help in combating the growing opiate addiction crisis. In this episode, we talk about: --The mistake made in the 1990's in our health care system where opioid prescriptions were encouraged based on faulty information. And how that mistake has led to our current crisis of prescription opioid addiction and heroin addiction. --That opioid prescriptions have increased to a number that would almost give a prescription to every single adult in America. --The spread of HIV and Hepatitis in Indiana and their link to opiate addiction. And how Indiana and the Midwest are the "epicenter" of the opiate addiction crisis and heroin epidemic. --Why Dr. Prather says the progress in reducing opiate addiction is "terrible' and "a complete failure" as the opiate prescription rate is INCREASING despite the focus and effort. -- How ObamaCare has contributed to the prescription opioid addiction crisis by connecting physician compensation with patient reviews. --Why Chiropractic must be the first line of treatment for pain as a patient must be properly aligned before physical and occupational therapy can be effective. --How the United States accounts for 80% of all opioid prescriptions in the world. --That Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Point-Stimulation Therapy, and Auriculotherapy are Structure-Function Health Care options for combating pain that should be the first line of treatment before prescription drugs. --Why opiates decrease our ability to handle pain on our own and make chronic pain issues WORSE. And how Acupuncture provides both immediate relief and boosts your body's ability over time to fight pain through your own natural opiates. --How Dr. Prather helps patients to become free from opiate addiction through "amazing" therapies like Auriculotherapy and Point-Stimulation ("P-Stim"). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
The Zika Virus now has reached the United States and should be a cause of concern and awareness. In this episode, you'll learn: --That mosquito-borne diseases are spreading rapidly, with an area three times as large compared to five years ago. --How 80% of the people who have the Zika virus will have no illness from it. And 100% of those with the Zika virus are immune to it for the rest of their lives. --How the West Nile virus spread all the way to Indiana and why the Zika virus has the same potential. --The travel restrictions you should keep in mind and how to protect yourself while traveling. --How to protect yourself from mosquitoes and the viruses they carry. --How to evaluate your immune system. --Why Dr. Prather says that a very weak immune system can mean that you NEVER get sick (and why that's a bad thing). And the difference between "feeling good" and "being good". --The effective treatments to boost your immune system. And why you are more susceptible to viruses if you are on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. --That pharmaceuticals aren't very effective in fighting viruses. --Why college students are more likely to get sick from viruses. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Aug 20, 2016
Saturday Aug 20, 2016
Saturday Aug 20, 2016
Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn: --Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do". --How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain. --Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world". --How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients. --The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment. --Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope. --The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear. --How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain. --How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs). --Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription drugs. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Treating injuries and preventing injuries are the biggest concerns of athletes. But the same treatment options for Olympians can also help your own health. In this episode, you'll discover: --Why body misalignment and tight muscles will eventually lead to injury. --Why you should always see a Chiropractor FIRST when you have an injury. And why this DRAMATICALLY lessens your chances of having surgery. --How the team at The Prather Practice covers all the aspects of Structure/Function care and are "uniquely qualified" to duplicate all the treatment options available to Olympians. --The Top 10 Sports Injuries. And why The Prather Practice gets results for patients who were told that nothing more could be done for their injuries. --The story of the Orthopedic Surgeon who brought his son with Osgood-Schlatter Disease to Dr. Prather after seeing several of his own patients helped by Dr. Prather. --How Acupuncture is "amazingly helpful" for Shin Splints. And how Acupuncture has anti-inflammatory effects for injuries and speeds up healing (even for scars!). --How Dr. Prather uses Chiropractic adjustments and Homeopathy to help patients with severe concussions become even BETTER than they were before their injury. --Why Chiropractic adjustments to put things in the right position "makes all the difference in the world" when it comes to getting results from Physical and Occupational Therapy. --How Kinesio Tape (seen on many Olympic athletes) helps to treat sports injuries and to prevent injuries. Plus, the Rapid Release instrument that is "revolutionizing" sports injury and soft tissue treatment through its ability to break up scar tissue. --That 95% of young women in Sports are Iron deficient and need supplementation for proper athletic performance and their overall health. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Dr. Prather says breastfeeding is "the gift that keeps on giving" and the #1 determination for a person's health throughout their life. In this episode, find out: --Why society needs to support breastfeeding Moms (including support from the father, from employers, and from public attitudes). --The shocking lack of training and support our health care system offers for Moms when it comes to breastfeeding. --That only 40% of all children in the world are breastfed. And how companies selling baby formula influenced this. --Why the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control say that 800,000 fewer babies would die every year if they were breastfed instead of using formula. --How breastfed babies have dramatically lower odds of suffering from Acute Ear Infections, Eczema, hospitalization for respiratory infections, Asthma, childhood obesity, Type II Diabetes, Childhood Leukemia, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. --How your ability to fight off infection starts and ends with what you get from your Mom (and why your immune system is impacted by it for the rest of your life). --The amazing feedback feature between the baby's saliva and the Mother that will actually shift the nutrition the child needs from the Mother to the baby. --How a baby's future emotional and psychological health is strengthened through breastfeeding. Plus, how a baby's I.Q. is increased by breastfeeding. --How moms who breastfeed have a reduced risk for Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Postpartum Depression. --How Structure/Function Health Care at The Prather Practice benefits pregnant and lactating moms who cannot be treated with Disease Care (drugs or surgery). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Your liver is the chemical factory of your body. Dr. Prather says it is one of the biggest factors in how someone feels and that "everything works better" when the liver works right. In this episode, we talk about: --How Hepatitis is a "silent disease" that many people don't even realize they are carrying. And why Hepatitis cases are increasing. --How your bowels aren't going to work right (loose or constipated) if your liver is not up to par. And why liver issues give you a toxic, tired, "not well" feeling. --The relationship between the liver to Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. --The major reason for high Cholesterol is a sick liver, but Cholesterol-lowering drugs actually make your liver even SICKER. --How the liver regulates your Hormones. And why hot flashes go away when the liver is cleared up. --How medicines to suppress Gerd (or Acid Reflux) actually make you sicker while they suppress your symptoms. --How Insomnia often clears up when the liver is fixed. --Why Dr. Prather says that Cancer treatments can set you up for getting Cancer again because it destroys the liver. And how he has helped Cancer patients avoid getting sick and losing their hair during Cancer treatments by getting the liver balanced. --How your body will create fat cells no matter how many calories you eat if your liver is not working right. --Why Dr. Prather says they get "almost everybody's" liver enzymes in the normal range. And why the detailed approach to diagnostics is the key to the results seen at The Prather Practice. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
The nutritional value of our food today is not as high as the food of previous generations. Therefore, we need supplementation for good health. In this episode, find out: --The connection between longevity and the nutritional value of our caloric intake. --Why we overeat on foods that have less nutritional value. --The different kinds of supplements (concentrated foods, synthetic vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, organ meats, herbals, and Homeopathics). --The importance of proper lab tests and Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to improve your results and eliminate guesswork. (And why you should NOT pick supplements at random at a health food store!) --Why Dr. Prather says, "Very seldom do we find someone with a properly functioning liver." --How Homeopathics (which are free of side effects) are a good option for patients with sensitivities to pharmaceuticals and even vitamins. --Why concentrated organ meats can help our lungs, pancreas, stomach, and endocrine system. (And why patients always seem to choose the pill over eating large amounts of liver!) --The reason why Dr. Prather does NOT like multivitamins and how they can actually make you sicker. --Why pharmaceuticals do not bring you closer to health, but supplements can. (And how Dr. Prather builds the health of his patients so that they no longer need their pharmaceuticals.) --How 60% of cancer, 80% of cardiovascular disease, and 70% of hypertension cases can be attributed to nutritional deficiencies. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Jul 16, 2016
Saturday Jul 16, 2016
Saturday Jul 16, 2016
Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover: --How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body. --Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body. --Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others. --The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly. --Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis. --How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues. --How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem. --Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year. --The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100% improvement. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
75% of smokers actually want to quit. Dr. Prather says an individualized approach to treatment is important as there are different causes and triggers to each person's addiction. In this episode, find out: --How only 2% of the modern cigarette is tobacco, while most of the cigarette is CARDBOARD soaked in 70,000 chemicals! Plus, the change that occurs in your brain when you become addicted to cigarettes. --How Dr. Prather calls Acupuncture "miraculous" in helping to eliminate the shakes and anxiety in those who are quitting smoking. --That Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of points on the ear) helps change the brain waves that are associated with any addiction. --Why Dr. Prather says that CELERY helps with the oral fixation of smoking and the need to do something with your hands. --How those ALLERGIC to cigarette smoke become addicted to smoking. Plus, how Homeopathy helps those with a craving due to the allergic reaction to cigarette smoke. --The importance of detoxifying the body of the harmful toxins from cigarettes as you are in the process of quitting. --How cigarette smoking can trigger low back pain and herniated discs due to the nutritional deficiencies that come with smoking (such as Vitamin B and Vitamin C deficiencies). --How your body can reverse the damage from years of smoking and why it is NEVER too late to quit to benefit your health. --That second-hand smoke produces 60-70% of the harm compared to smoking the cigarette yourself. And how children have three times the chance of developing asthma if their parents are smokers. --Why natural cigarettes made from real tobacco can be a helpful step as someone stops smoking the cigarettes filled with cardboard and chemicals. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
90% of Americans are considered "dietary deficient", with 60% of Cancers being attributed to poor diet. In this episode, we talk about: --The disastrous results of a January 2016 government study on the nutritional health of Americans. --How you have a 50% greater chance of survival when undergoing Cancer treatments if you are nutritionally healthy. --The groups most at-risk for being nutritionally deficient, such as pregnant women, the elderly, the obese, and even athletes. --The increased chance of birth defects and Autism if a pregnant mother is nutritionally deficient. Plus, how low Iodine in pregnant women will lead to lower IQ in the baby. --How the aging process is slowed with proper nutrition as many of the effects of the aging process are actually nutritional deficiencies. --How correcting nutritional deficiencies in an obese person makes it easier for them to lose weight. --The proper balance between vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein in an ideal diet. Plus, why the gut bacteria from fermented foods is very important to your nutritional needs. --How the nutritional quality of our food has diminished over the years. And why everyone needs nutritional supplementation (or "concentrated food"), even with the best diet habits. --The SHOCKING statistics on the source of Americans' calories. Hint: Veggies and fruits didn't even make the Top 20 on the list! --Why proper lab tests and diagnostics are the key to your overall and nutritional health. And how the Structure/Function model of health care that Dr. Prather practices looks at bloodwork differently than the Disease Care model. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com