For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Feb 27, 2016
REST: Pillar Of Perfect Health #7
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
Saturday Feb 27, 2016
We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. Dr. Prather estimates 75% of patients as having fatigue and in need of "recharging our body's batteries". In this episode, find out: --That there are 5 sub-categories of rest: sleep, hormones, meditation, internal exercises, and sex. --How delusions, depression, and dropping immune system are all problems associated with lack of sleep. --How Dr. Prather measures the "phase angle" with a Body Composition Analysis to measure how charged up the body's batteries are. --Why our body's circadian rhythm is important for our sleep patterns. And how traveling through time zones or working nights can negatively impact your ability to sleep properly. --How our hormones are disturbed by lack of sleep (and vice versa). --Why bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can cause an increase in Cancer...and the natural alternative approach Dr. Prather recommends by rebuilding the endocrine gland itself. --That 70% of those on Thyroid medication suffer from depression and are in need of additional supplementation. --How meditation changes hormone and stress levels, while increasing the electrical charge of the body. --Why internal exercises (such as Tai Chi) can help rejuvenate people and extend life. --How sex is a way to rejuvenate the body and balance out your endocrine system. And how there are actually different positions and methods to treat specific diseases. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com.

Saturday Feb 20, 2016
EXERCISE: Pillar Of Perfect Health #6
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
Saturday Feb 20, 2016
We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. This week, Dr. Prather explains how exercise "covers a world of sins". In this episode, we talk about: --The 5 different categories of exercise and how each one benefits our health. And how much exercise we SHOULD be getting. (Do you measure up?) --How exercise brings about homeostasis (balance) to the body: better flow of energy, greater detoxification, more oxygenation, better clearance of insulin, and better absorption of nutrients. --The BEST form of exercise for our overall health, for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and for weight loss. And the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise. --The machine Dr. Prather uses for his patients (many of who CAN'T exercise) to duplicate five years of marathon training for the heart in just seven weeks and cut down on Type II Diabetes. --The SHOCKING increase in obesity rates since 1990 and how that connects with a reduction of exercise in our lives. --How your flexibility measures your longevity and your biological age. And the amazing emotional and psychological responses from flexibility exercise. --That proper muscle balance can help solve back and neck problems, but even benefit internal organs, solve digestive problems, and solve Sinusitis. And why Dr. Prather recommends the "Royal Court" of body weight exercises. --How aging is related to the loss of kinesthetic sense, which leads to falls. And the exercises that can RESTORE kinesthetic sense and reverse the aging process. --The exercises Dr. Prather recommends for kids with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Asperger's Syndrome. --Why Tai Chi "keeps older people young". www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 13, 2016
NUTRITION: Pillar Of Perfect Health #5
Saturday Feb 13, 2016
Saturday Feb 13, 2016
We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. This week, we focus on the importance of nutrition and the need for proper supplementation. In this episode, learn:

Saturday Feb 06, 2016
WATER: Pillar Of Perfect Health #4
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. This week, we focus on the impact of water on your health. In this episode, discover:

Saturday Jan 30, 2016
XENOBIOTICS: Pillar Of Perfect Health #3
Saturday Jan 30, 2016
Saturday Jan 30, 2016
We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. Xenobiotics are "strangers to the body" and are anything that take our bodies away from homeostasis. In this episode, find out:

Saturday Jan 23, 2016
OXYGENATION: Pillar Of Perfect Health #2
Saturday Jan 23, 2016
Saturday Jan 23, 2016
If you were perfectly oxygenated, you would look like you were 21 for the rest of your life. If you want to look young, live long, and be healthy, then breathe deep! In this episode, we'll talk about: --How deeply you breathe is a key indicator of your biological (not chronological) age and is a more important indicator of a person's longevity than even genetics or any other lifestyle habit. --The Spirometry test that reveals your lung function. --How Oxygenation affects Cancer. And why Anemia (which cuts down on your Oxygenation) decreases a Cancer patient's chance of survival. --Why Anemia IS a big deal and how Dr. Prather has a stricter standard for Anemia than the traditional medical model. (Plus, those at greatest risk for Anemia: Pregnant women, young girls just starting their periods, and elderly people.) --How children (especially young girls) diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder are often Anemic, which duplicates symptoms of ADD. --How Oxygenation affects Cardiovascular Disease, and how the Heart has the biggest demand for Oxygen of any organ in the body. --The aerobic exercise machine (External Counterpulsation Therapy or ECP) Dr. Prather uses to increase oxygen to the Heart for his patients. And how it duplicates five years of marathon training for the Heart in just seven weeks! --Why snoring (and sleep apnea) is an indicator that you are low on Oxygen. And how increasing your body's Oxygenation can solve your snoring problem by getting to the root cause instead of just treating the symptoms with a CPAP machine. --The lab tests Dr. Prather uses to reveal a patient's Oxygenation levels, including the Cardiassess test that measures the oxygenation of the heart. --The role of Oxygen in feeling and staying young. And why Dr. Prather says you are never too old to take advantage of the body's incredible ability to regenerate. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 16, 2016
ENERGY FLOW (PART 2 OF 2): Pillar Of Perfect Health #1
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
In Dr. Prather's "8 Pillars of Perfect Health", Energy Flow is #1. This week, we continue our discussion began last week on Energy Flow since it is the most important pillar. In this episode, you'll learn:

Saturday Jan 09, 2016
ENERGY FLOW (PART 1 of 2): Pillar Of Perfect Health #1
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
In Dr. Prather's 8 Pillars of Perfect Health, Energy Flow is considered the most important and the quickest way to impact someone's health. In this episode, find out: --Why Dr. Prather says that the energy flow of the body has "the biggest impact" on someone's health and well-being. And why it is his "favorite" of the 8 pillars. --How all pain in the body is a result of a blockage in one of the body's energy pathways. (And the five different energy pathways in the body.) --That we have five energy pathways in the body: Nervous System, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Lymphatic, Circulatory, and Electromagnetic. --Why Chiropractors are really focused on the nervous system even though people call them "bone doctors". --How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of the top vertebrae is the most difficult and most important Chiropractic adjustment in the body. And why Dr. Prather says it has "the greatest and most long-lasting impact on someone's health". --How our respiratory system is impacted by the Cerebrospinal Fluid system. And how Autistic children rock because they are trying to get their Cerebrospinal Fluid system moving. Plus, how insomnia, mental fatigue, and a feeling of malaise are impacted by our Cerebrospinal Fluid. --That Fibromyalgia is an extreme backup of the Lymphatic system (a circulatory system of the toxins of the body and the immune system). And how allergies or infections occur with Lymphatic system blockage. Plus, why the Lymphatic system is a "huge" cause of Cancer and "critical" area for Cancer patients to address. --Why every patient that has chronic fatigue has a blocked Lymphatic system. And Otitis Media (ear infections) is also caused by blocked Lymph system, but can be relieved in 15 minutes with a Diathermy treatment at Dr. Prather's office. Bursitis, Knee Problems, Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr Syndrome are also linked to the Lymph system. --How underwire bras inhibit the Lymphatic system from draining properly and can contribute to breast cancer. --That kidney pain can be relieved almost immediately (along with changing the function of the organ) through specific Neurovascular Chiropractic adjustments. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
We kick off 2016 with a series on The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health. this week, we give an overview of all 8. in future weeks, each pillar will have its own show. You'll discover: --How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system. --The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow. --How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say). --What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body. --What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health. --The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body. --The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health. --What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged. --The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area). --How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 26, 2015
Saturday Dec 26, 2015
Saturday Dec 26, 2015
As you make New Year's resolutions for 2016, we bring you stories to inspire you if you have a goal of losing weight. In this episode, we talk about: --Why Dr. Prather doesn't just look for weight loss, but looks for homeostasis in your fat percentage and your overall health and well-being. --How Dr. Prather says they "don't allow people to gain their weight back" by helping patients maintain a lifestyle to maintain their targeted weight. And how it makes it very easy to lose weight when the underlying individual health issues are dealt with. --Marc's story and how he lost 47 pounds in 5 weeks. --Linsey's story and how she lost 17 pounds in 21 days. --Amy's story and how she lost 21 pounds in 5 weeks. --Ben's story and how he lost 60 pounds in 10 weeks. --Why getting healthy is a more important overall goal than just straight weight loss which can include loss of muscle or organ mass. --How Dr. Prather's weight loss program for patients targets a true loss of fat percentage in the body and a change in the metabolism of the body to maintain the weight loss permanently. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 19, 2015
Saturday Dec 19, 2015
Saturday Dec 19, 2015
People get sicker, have more depression, put on weight, and have more injuries in the winter. In this episode, you'll learn: --How lack of sun in winter impacts our immune system, our mood, our brain function, and our endocrine system. --Why you live longer if you live in a harsher, northern climate when you're young and live in a warmer, southern climate when you're old. --Why this is a good time to check your Vitamin D levels. And why you SHOULD NOT just take Vitamin D without getting blood work first (as too much Vitamin D can damage organs in your body). --Why we gain weight in the winter (between 5 and 10 pounds on average for adults). And why'd we'd gain weight in the winter even if we ate the same amount of calories (which we don't). --How our endocrine system is affected by colder weather. (And how our body "winterizes" itself.) --The dietary changes that should be made in the winter to avoid weight gain. And one of the "guaranteed ways to lose weight". --The favorite natural supplement Dr. Prather recommends in the winter that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet. --Why infections increase during the winter. And the problem we now have due to antibiotic overuse. Plus, the number of times in your life you should have an antibiotic. --The tool Dr. Prather uses to determine which supplement or product (out of thousands of possibilities) will work best for your body. --How cholesterol lowering drugs make someone more susceptible to viruses. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 12, 2015
Saturday Dec 12, 2015
Saturday Dec 12, 2015
Brain Core Neurofeedback helps bring brain waves into homeostasis (or balance) to improve a patient's health and well-being in a life-changing manner. In this episode, you'll discover: --How Insomnia can lead to Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Chronic Pain, and Fibromyalgia. And how Brain Core Neurofeedback came to Indiana because it changed the life of one Mom's son. --Why Dr. Prather calls Brain Core Neurofeedback a "true cure" through its safe, drugless approach. --What conditions are helped by Brain Core Therapy (Attention Deficit Disorder, Addiction, Autism, Brain Injury, Adoption Disorders, Depression, Insomnia, Post-Stroke Disorders, Migraines, Dyslexia, Fibromyalgia). --Why Brain Core therapy can even reduce snoring! --How trauma to the body changes brain waves and how Neurofeedback can help (such as post-cancer patients with "Chemo fog" or "Chemo brain"). --The amazing drug-free results Neurofeedback produces for ADHD patients. --How Neurofeedback Increases IQ, memory, and the ability to focus and learn. --The "one big Greek party" of the four primary brain waves that impact our lives. --How your brain waves can be trained to work properly just as you can be trained to have a correct golf or tennis swing. And why you should absolutely avoid the "as seen on television" brain training programs for home use because you can potentially train your brain waves improperly. --The amount of protein everyone must have before Noon each day for our brains to function properly. And how a bad breakfast cause a child in school to duplicate ADHD symptoms. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Saturday Dec 05, 2015
Massage therapy should not just be viewed a luxury to pamper you, but as a part of your overall health care. In this episode, find out:

Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Decompression Therapy is a treatment for protruding or bulging discs in the back or neck, often a non-invasive alternative to surgery. In this episode, we talk about: --How it treats protruding discs that cause sciatica. --How disc degeneration can be healed, as well as an unloading of the joints (such as a facet problem). --Why Dr. Prather says surgery ISN'T necessary with a bulging or protruded disc. (And when surgery IS necessary). --How decompression therapy (with its pumping action) differs from traction and inversion therapies. --How decompression therapy helps the neck, as well as the back, by putting the body into healing mode and "reverses the aging process". --How inflamed or degenerative joints such as knees and elbows can benefit from decompression therapy. --Why decompression therapy makes a patient TALLER. --The decompression therapy table Dr. Prather prefers and why it made him a believer after his initial skepticism. --Why decompression therapy is a cheaper and more effective option than surgery. --The story of a patient who drove from another state to receive treatment from Dr. Prather when options closer to home failed her. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Nov 21, 2015
Saturday Nov 21, 2015
Saturday Nov 21, 2015
One of the specialties of The Prather Pratice, as they are able to help people find relief after they have lost hope. In this episode, you'll learn: