For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Dr. Prather uses short-wave Diathermy to increase circulation and lymphatic flow. It's best described as a large-coiled magnet. In this episode, discover: --How Diathermy was used as a treatment for pneumonia prior to antibiotics being developed. And how it's still an effective alternative to antibiotics or can help to make antibiotic treatment more effective. --The "amazing healing properties" Diathermy can offer by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic flow. And why Dr. Prather says it's important to use Diathermy on a particular setting to be effective and safe. --How Bursitis, Arthritis, and pain in the joints are common uses of Diathermy in a medical setting. And how Diathermy helps with congestion in the liver and gall bladder while going through Detoxification. --The benefits for children with ear infections in just 15-minutes on the Diathermy treatment. And why patients request Diathermy before an airplane flight. --The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal effects of Diathermy. Plus, how Diathermy provides immediate relief of sinus congestion. --Why Diathermy is an "essential" part of any vertigo treatment in Dr. Prather's office and makes "an incredible difference" for Tinnitus. --The amazing story about how a Diabetic amputation surgery was cancelled after 24 sessions of Diathermy. And how Diathermy helps circulation issues like Neuropathy and Raynaud's Disease. --How Diathermy helps lung issues such as Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and infections where Antibiotics are ineffective. Plus, why Histoplasmosis is endemic to the Indianapolis area and why "almost everybody" in the area will test positive for it. --How just half-an-hour on the Diathermy unit makes Insomnia patients feel as if they had a full night's sleep. Plus, how Bladder Infection and Prostatitis patients find the irritation goes away after a Diathermy treatment. --Why Diathermy helps your Thymus and Spleen for very quick results and relief from chronic fatigue associated with Epstein-Barr Virus or Mononucleosis. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Nov 07, 2015
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
The average American eats 75 pounds of sugar each year when we should consume only 25 to 30 pounds per year. In this episode, find out: --Why sugar itself is not a bad thing, but what we've done with it is. --How the amount of fiber versus sugar in our diets has changed over the years. --How sugar affects children differently than adults, as sugar actually changes a child's brain chemistry similar to how cocaine changes a brain. And how sugar addiction can lead to drug addiction. --Why the problem is REFINED sugar that is more like a drug instead of the natural UNREFINED sugar that still contains all the nutrients. --The results of Dr. Prather's tests on his kids and their friends in choosing between snacks made with refined versus unrefined sugar. --Why you need a lot of fiber to properly process sugar. (And why oatmeal cookies can be good for you if done correctly.) --How sugar changes I.Q., speed of learning, and the ability to concentrate. --How sugar affects our immune system. And the links between sugar and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. --The healthy alternatives to sugar: Stevia (which Dr. Prather calls his favorite since it contains NEGATIVE calories), Xylitol (which helps with cavities and strengthens teeth), Honey (which if grown locally helps fight allergies), and Rapidura. --How purified fruit juices can be a problem since they take out all the fiber (and why Dr. Prather is pro-pulp). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
With the advancing of the years, we can actually turn back the clock according to Dr. Prather. In this episode, we talk about: --The difference between chronological age and biological age, and how the two may not always line up. (And why, biologically,we should live to around 160.) --Why the lungs are the best way to determine your biological age. Plus, how your kidneys, nervous system, and skin help determine biological age. --The treatment Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of someone's biological age. --The closer you are to homeostasis, the younger you are. And the more you are out of homeostasis, the older you are. --How stress is the biggest barrier to longevity. And the muscle measure Dr. Prather uses to measure stress in the body. --Why stress is the leading reason people seek out Chiropractic care. And how Chiropractic reduces biological age by changing the nervous system. --How you'd look 21 for the rest of your life if you are perfectly oxygenated. And how to improve your low oxygenation. --How proper balancing of hormones (which most people do not have) can change the aging process. And why Dr. Prather says his office has more ways of accomplishing that than almost anyplace in the country. --How 70% of depression issues are related to the endocrine system (which also impacts weight gain and certain types of cancers). And how 60% of all cancers are related to your diet. --How free radicals cause aging (liver spots, macular degeneration, cataracts). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Oct 24, 2015
Saturday Oct 24, 2015
Saturday Oct 24, 2015
This is the 120th anniversary of Chiropractic care, and half of all American adults have been to a Chiropractor. In this episode, you'll learn: --The results of the first annual poll on Chiropractic from Gallup, which show the highest satisfaction rate of any health care professional among those who have actually had Chiropractic care. --How Chiropractors have the lowest malpractice insurance rates of any health care professional (including nurses, medical assistance, and dental assistants) because of the safety of Chiropractic care. --How the American Medical Association attempted to discredit Chiropractic care and how the case went all the way to the Supreme Court in 1987. --How the "study" connecting strokes to Chiropractic neck adjustments did not include a single case in which the so-called Chiropractic adjustments were performed by an actual Chiropractor! And why there is a higher stroke risk in going to a hairdresser. --The differences and similarities in the schooling of Chiropractors and Medical Doctors. --How there are 400 different systems of Chiropractic adjusting. And why Dr. Prather uses a system of gentle adjustment within the range of motion and without the cracking or popping sound. --How Dr. Prather uses light and gentle reflex adjustments for Osteoporosis patients and post-surgical patients. --Why the upper-cervical area below the skull is considered both the most important adjustment and the most difficult adjustment. And how people come from all over the world to get the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment from Dr. Prather (including patients from a cancer doctor in New York City). --How the Affordable Health Care Act (a.k.a. "ObamaCare") treats Chiropractic care and why Dr. Prather likes that provision.

Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
About 25% of men in every age group have low testosterone. Testosterone levels are tied to your motivation in life, along with your overall health and vitality. In this episode, you'll discover: --How low testosterone in WOMEN can cause problems as well. --The symptoms of low Testosterone (low libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased cognitive abilities, fatigue, loss of muscle, weight gain, irritability, and depression). --How low Testosterone causes a greater risk of Prostate Cancer, Osteoporosis, Type II Diabetes, weight gain, Alzheimer's, and Dementia. --Why Dr. Prather says you don't have to experience the effects of aging if you keep up your testosterone levels, which will add to your longevity and how young you feel. --How insomnia, chronic pain, stress, and medications (even over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen) can lower testosterone. --The role of testosterone shots in treating low testosterone. And how Dr. Prather then focuses on getting the body to naturally produce the testosterone it needs without the shots. --How there has been a 460% increase in testosterone treatment in the last two years, creating a $2.1 billion a year industry. And the dangers of ordering products over the Internet without a doctor's supervision. --The difference in approaching your natural libido through increased testosterone levels versus drugs like Viagra and Cialis. --How anything over 25% body fat percentage will lower testosterone. And the recommended lifestyle changes for those with low testosterone. --The role of hydration in testosterone levels and why you need chemical-free water. Plus, how sleep apnea can lower testosterone levels. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
80% of us will have TMJ in our lives, often being unaware that is the cause of our health issues. In this episode, find out: --How TMJ is one of the joints that gives feedback to the brain about where the body is, giving it a global effect on the body. And how your jaw actually contains a disc. --The surprising emotional effect of the jaw due to a nerve that goes directly to the brain's emotional center. (It's why the jaw tightens when you get tense or nervous.) --Why TMJ is connected to suicides, and the amazing story that inspired Dr. Prather to get involved in treating TMJ even as a student. --How you MUST have the Atlas (the first vertebrae in your neck) properly aligned in order to fix TMJ. And how TMJ causes pelvis, shoulder, and elbow problems. --How TMJ is a major cause of unresolved headaches, and how Dr. Prather usually knows the source of headaches just hearing the patient describe them in the consultation. --The gentle adjustment techniques Dr. Prather invented himself for TMJ that feel like a "puff of air" to the patient. --Why Acupuncture is extremely helpful in relieving TMJ, especially in helping inflammation and with "immediate results". --How Auriculotherapy (micro-current stimulation of ear Acupuncture points) is "the most proven treatment in the entire world" and how it helps long-term TMJ patients. --That lymphatic congestion connects to TMJ and vertigo issues. And how short-wave Diathermy helps drain lymphatic congestion. --The exercises you can do to help TMJ. And what you should do when you wake up in the morning to release the jaw muscle. Plus, the supplements helpful for TMJ. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Oct 03, 2015
Saturday Oct 03, 2015
Saturday Oct 03, 2015
There is a new model for primary care focused on Structure/Function Health Care instead of Disease Care. In this episode, we talk about: --How the Structure/Function Health Care model contrasts with the Disease care model. And why Dr. Prather says, "Disease Care is symptoms; Structure/Function Care is the cause." --How the Structure/Function model offered a 40% cost savings over 5 years (which raised to 60% savings over 10 years) and improved health outcomes better than Disease Care. --The "gatekeeper" role of a primary care physician. And how the definition of health is homeostasis (or an equilibrium in the body). --Why Dr. Prather says that Structure/Function care is actually "more scientific" than the Disease Care model. --Why the "Structure" and "Function" aspects of health care must be combined for the best results. --How 80% of all health care should be Structure/Function Care with the remaining 20% being Disease Care. And Dr. Prather's recommendations on how to get to that ideal. --Who is gravitating towards Structure/Function health care (and why they are likely to be more educated). --The communication gap between Structure/Function and Disease care doctors and why Dr. Prather says integration is key. --Why Structure/Function care relies on diagnostics such as Bloodwork more than the Disease Care model. And is Dr. Prather a "vampire"?!? --A Mom's powerful story on how Dr. Prather helped her 8-year old daughter eliminate prescription seizure medication and how Brain Core therapy helped transform her daughter's behavioral and anxiety issues. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Monday Sep 28, 2015
Monday Sep 28, 2015
Monday Sep 28, 2015
They cause 1 million ER visits per year. 10% of all men and 3% of all women suffer from kidney stones. In this episode, you'll find out: --The cause of kidney stones, including the role of dehydration, obesity, fiber in diet, and what kind of salt you use. Plus, how Cancer survivors and Osteoporosis patients are more likely to get them. --The Body Composition Analysis that determines the water concentration in your body (and how it shows about 50% of people are dehydrated). Plus, how painful feet when you wake up in the morning is an indication of dehydration. And why being dehydrated actually changes the chemistry of the body. --How hormones determine your mineral balance. And why reducing Calcium intake is NOT effective in preventing kidney srones. --Why Cadmium levels are a crucial key for those with chronic kidney stones. --The role of table salt and high fructose corn syrup in kidney stone development. And how almost everyone with bariatric surgery gets kidney stones because of the pH changes in the body. --The Structure/Function Health Care approach to treating kidney stones. And the surprising connection between Coca-Cola soda fountains in old-time drug stores and the treatment of kidney stones! --The homeopathic formula that brings "almost immediate relief" from kidney pain. And how lemon juice can help change the pH of urine and prevent kidney stones. --The foods you should AVOID when you have kidney stones (including a long list of HEALTHY stuff!). And the foods you SHOULD be eating to help eliminate kidney stones. --The long-term damage that can come from kidney stones (including high blood pressure). --How even children can get kidney stones. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Our Endocrine System influences how we think, our emotions, and who we are. Dr. Prather calls it "The Chemical Master" of our body. In this episode, you'll discover: --That Endocrine System problems include hair loss, weight gain, a general feeling of malaise and fatigue. And even our happiness is connected to it. Anxiety and Depression often go away when the Endocrine System is fixed. --Why women have an Endocrine System that is a moving target, while men have a very simple system. And hear the amazing explanation on why a healthy Endocrine system makes someone more attractive! --How growing boys can become taller (with a variance of up to 4 inches) if their endocrine system is balanced properly. And why Jr. High basketball players come to see Dr. Prather to become taller! --How Pituitary and Hypothalamus can impact the menstrual cycles of young women who often are encouraged to go on prescription birth control to balance out their periods. (And the unhealthy side effects of long term birth control use.) --How pharmaceuticals can damage the Endocrine System. For example, how Synthroid causes depression in 80% of users. And how even Aspirin and Ibuprofen impact our Endocrine System in a negative way. --The role the Parathyroids play in Calcium regulation (which if not balanced properly can lead to Osteoporosis or Kidney Stones). --Why Headaches, Hypertension, Panic Attacks, and Anxiety are linked to Adrenal Gland function. And how 80% of High Blood Pressure is rooted in the Adrenal Glands. --How Dr. Prather says we abuse our Pancreas and its importance to our health and wellness (such as in Type II Diabetes). And why Dr. Prather says Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled WITHOUT medication. --The role of the gonads (the eggs and testes) in our Endocrine system and in regulating our hormones. And how our Endocrine System is directly tied to our sexual health, our muscle strength, and remaining young and vibrant. Plus, why Dr, Prather says declining Hormones result in aging instead of aging being the cause of declining Hormones. --Why the chemicals in our food and water can damage sperm count in men and change the proper hormonal balance in our bodies. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease. --How Dr. Prather's personal battle as a young man with Graves' Disease (a hyper-functioning thyroid) inspired him to his career. --The two systems that control the body (Nervous and Endocrine) and why Dr. Prather tells patients those must be fixed first. Plus, why the Thyroid is described as the workhorse of the Endocrine system. --How Indiana is in the Top 5 states for thyroid problems due to low iodine in our soil. --How Thyroid affects almost EVERYTHING: hair loss, nail health, weight gain, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, skin health, heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain activity, I.Q., infertility, postpartum depression, menopause. --Why most doctors misread blood tests and misdiagnose patients as having properly-working thyroids. And the "can't miss" explanation of what reference ranges on blood tests REALLY mean. --The various diseases of the Thyroid: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Euthyroid, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer. --The safe and natural thyroid treatment alternatives to the terrible side-effects from surgery or prescription drugs (Including how 80% of those on Synthroid develop depression). Why Dr. Prather says the medical approach to thyroid is not successful. And how Dr. Prather's goal is to actually fix the thyroid so that it no longer needs treatment. --How 80% of autoimmune disease starts in the gut and why the gut plays a role for thyroid issues caused by autoimmune problems. And the role that food allergies have on the thyroid. --How Chiropractic and Acupuncture help thyroid function by balancing the nervous system. And how hair analysis can be a key test for thyroid function if there are toxins or an imbalance present. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Sep 05, 2015
Saturday Sep 05, 2015
Saturday Sep 05, 2015
Last week, Dr. Prather talked about how Chiropractic and Acupuncture are effective treatments for stress. This week, we focus on the role counseling plays in treating stress. In this episode, you'll find out: --Why Dr. Prather incorporated counseling services into his practice. --How being able to talk about what is going on in your life can make a physiological difference. --That many health issues have stress as an underlying cause (sometimes without the patient even realizing stress is the core issue). --How counseling services reflect the holistic approach of the Structure/Function Health Care model of The Prather Practice. --The difference between a "human being" and a "human doing". --How the counselor at The Prather Practice approaches a patient feeling overwhelmed by stress. --Why you need a plan to get out of a state where you feel frozen or stuck in life. --That stress can actually become a lifestyle and how lifestyle develops. --How being anxious can be a learned behavior. --Plus, hear Linsey's story of how she lost 17 pounds in 21 days through the Healthy Habits program at The Prather Practice!

Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Stress causes premature aging and disease. And it's something we all have. But there are healthy solutions to stress. In this episode, you'll discover: --The roles of the "Rest and Digest" mode and the "Fight or Flight" mode in our bodies (the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems). --How stress is caused by the "tigers" (both real and perceived) in our lives. And the three categories of stressors in our lives (routine, sudden, and traumatic). --The amount of stress considered healthy (and why zero stress is actually unhealthy). And how your endocrine system and nervous system will physically change from prolonged stress. --How stress contributes to premature aging and disease processes (cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, nutritional deficiencies). --Why you should live until you are 120 or 130 years old from a biological perspective. And why Dr. Prather says stress is the biggest reason we don't reach that longevity. --How men and women cope differently with stress. --Why Dr. Prather says 100% of his patients need treatment for stress. --How Acupuncture relaxes patients and proves to be a better treatment for stress than prescription drugs. --How Chiropractic helps relieve muscle tension and low back pain. (And how long-term stress can even cause arthritis.) --Plus, hear Amy's inspiring story about how she used the Healthy Habits weight loss program at The Prather Practice to lose 21 pounds in 5 weeks! www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
If you don't know what's going on, how can you treat? Dr. Prather tells some amazing patient stories that show the crucial role of patient history, a thorough exam, and in-depth diagnostics. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why Dr. Prather believes taking shortcuts on proper procedures could be disastrous for the patient and why he refuses to compromise. --The importance of patients being willing to take the time to make sure they are getting the care that they need. --Why the doctors that rush you in and out of the office are more likely to be concerned with making money instead of patient care. --That 90% of the diagnosis comes from the patient's history. (And how that history also designs out the basis of the patient's care.) --Why Dr. Prather takes his patient histories in a living room environment instead of a sterile exam room setting. (And how Dr. Prather compares his job to being a detective.) --The role family medical history plays in proper patient care. --What Dr. Prather teaches to Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners about patient examinations. --Why proper imaging should not be neglected in order for the patient to receive the right treatment--particularly with Chiropractic care. --The reason why Dr. Prather's X-rays have been said to be in the Top 1%. --Plus, hear Ben's inspiring story about losing 60 pounds (so far!) in just two-and-a-half months (after weighing over 400 pounds) on the Prather Practice Healthy Habits program. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
3 out of 4 children experience ear infections by the age of 3--which can lead to learning disorders and hearing loss. But Dr. Prather points out that ear infections should not be a normal part of childhood if a child has a strong immune system. In this episode, you'll find out: --What causes ear infections. And why bacterial infections are usually only the cause of about 20% of ear infections, with most infections being viral. --Why keeping the Eustachian Tube open is the key to preventing ear infections and also a key to preventing sinus and upper-respiratory infections. --How the muscle of the Eustachian Tube is the same material as the small intestine, making gut health crucial to stopping ear infections (and 80% of your immune system). --Why the angles of a child's Eustachian Tune make children more susceptible to ear infections than adults. --The reason why Dr. Prather recommends pregnant women (and women trying to get pregnant) get their gut health in order so they can help prevent future ear infections in their children. --Why a baby with colic is likely to get ear infections. And the correlation between antibiotics and learning disabilities such as ADD and ADHD. --The shocking research on the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of antibiotics for ear infections and how children are three times as likely to develop future ear infections if they receive antibiotics. --The natural approaches to ear infections, including how Dr. Prather manually opens up the Eustachian Tubes on both children and adults to provide immediate relief. Plus, the role of Chiropractic adjustments and Diathermy. --How Tinnitus and Vertigo in adults are associated with the Eustachian Tubes even though adults do not get ear infections at the rate of children. --The Homeopathics, Herbals, and Supplements that are most helpful for Ear Infections and perfect for children since they have zero side effects. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Free radicals break down the body and is the essence of the aging process. It's an important process to understand for staying youthful and living a healthy life. In this episode, you'll discover: --The definition of free radical pathology (and Dr. Prather's memorable rusty gate and rotting fruit analogies). --How wrinkles, moles, and liver spots on the skin are caused by free radicals. And how understanding free radicals could be like unlocking the fountain of youth. --The diseases associated with free radical pathology: Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, and Hearing Loss. --How free radicals cause body odor. The amazing story of an abused boy whose went through such trauma that he smelled terrible and was deemed untrainable. And his dramatic improvement after Dr. Prather started him on anti-oxidants. --How high cholesterol can be corrected by dealing with the free radical pathology. --Why Dr. Prather gets frustrated when reading research about free radicals and his critique on the typical research approach of treating everyone the same. --How 80% of free radical pathology comes from the gut. --The role of hair analysis in determining your mineral levels, which can cause free radical problems. And the individualized approach Dr. Prather takes with his patients to determine the antioxidants each patient needs. --How plants have to fight free radicals and how that impacts our health when we eat it. (Why fresh fruit locally-grown is important for your health.) --Why too little and too much exercise can cause free radical pathology. How strokes are a direct result of free radical pathology. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com