For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from "the invisible disease" that has been misunderstood by doctors. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why Dr. Prather considers it to be an autoimmune disease of the lymph system, and how the lymphatic system ("the sewage system of the body") works. --The common misdiagnosis between Fibromyalgia and Myofascitiis. (Distinguishing between lymph system and the muscles.) --The many causes of Fibromyalgia (digestive issues, food allergies, Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr, environmental sensitivities, weakened immune system) and why correct diagnostics are absolutely necessary to properly treat each patient individually. --The symptoms of Fibromyalgia (pain throughout the body that lasts at least three months, 11 of 18 palpation points where the lymph system is congested, fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbance, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and migraines, anxiety and depression). --Why the National Fibromyalgia Association states that Chiropractic is the most helpful treatment for Fibromyalgia. (And the specific Chiropractic adjusting techniques that are effective for Fibromyalgia.) --The effectiveness of Acupuncture and Dr. Prather's analysis of the flawed research conclusions on the subject. And why Dr. Prather sees better results when combining Chiropractic and Acupuncture. --The dramatic changes Auriculotherapy can bring for Fibromyalgia in getting the autonomic nervous system functioning correctly. And the Quantitative EEG (qEEG) treatment that can restore proper brain wave activity after Fibromyalgia throws off your brain waves. --How short-wave Diathermy opens up lymphatic tissue. And why 100% of Fibromyalgia patients have a weakened immune system. --The role of diet and lifestyle in fighting and preventing Fibromyalgia. (Plus, why Dr. Prather says "everyone with Fibromyalgia has food allergies" and the 5-day rotation diet he recommends to relieve 80% if the stress on the lymph system.) --The three major pumps of the lymph system and why Fibromyalgia patients need to exercise those three areas. And why depression and anxiety increase your odds of developing Fibromyalgia 10-fold. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jul 11, 2015
Saturday Jul 11, 2015
Saturday Jul 11, 2015
Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn: --Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do". --How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain. --Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world". --How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients. --The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment. --Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope. --The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear. --How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain. --How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs). --Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription drugs. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jul 04, 2015
Saturday Jul 04, 2015
Saturday Jul 04, 2015
Stress has dramatic impact upon our health--causing an estimated 30% of all disease. In this episode, you'll find out: --How you can accomplish more and be more productive when you reduce stress levels. And why overwork can cause you to accomplish less. --Why ZERO stress in your life is NOT good for you. And the healthy balance of stress versus relaxation we SHOULD have. --The research that shows how stress can cause hormonal collapse, digestive failure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, insomnia, depression, loss of libido, and premature aging of the body. --The Fight-Flight response of our body's sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in response to stress. Plus, the body's stages in response to stress. --Why stress is a large factor in weight gain (especially in the gut), and how stress can even lower I.Q. --The diagnostics you need that can measure how stressed you are and how people carry stress differently in their bodies. Plus, what low back pain indicates about your feelings towards your job. --How Chiropractic can help relieve stress upon the body by getting the nervous system balanced properly. Plus, the study that shows Chiropractic is more effective in lowering blood pressure than the medication. --The role Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of the ear) can play in reducing anxiety and relieving stress by shifting the body to a rest and digest mode. --Why men see their Magnesium levels depleted during times of stress and how this contributes to sudden heart attacks. --The role Homeopathic medicines can play in eliminating panic and anxiety. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, with an estimate of 14 million diagnosed by 2050. In this episode, you'll discover: --How 90% of Alzheimer's cases are age-related, while the remaining 10% of early onset cases are caused by a genetic issue. --The role of free radicals, fatty acids, lowered oxygenation, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, inflammation, head trauma, smoking, depression, and pharmaceuticals in the formation of Alzheimer's Disease. --Why the current treatments for Alzheimer's are described as "lackluster at best". And why the deaths from Alzheimer's are likely underreported on death certificates. --How the Prather Practice helps fight Alzheimer's by dealing with the root issues that cause the disease. And how anemia increases your odds of getting Alzheimer's. --The role aerobic exercise, education level, and diet can play in preventing Alzheimer's. Plus, how coconut oil and B vitamins can benefit Alzheimer's patients. --Why the medical mindset of "one cause, one cure" is not beneficial to treat Alzheimer's, which may have multiple different causes. And why the Structure/Function model of getting the body back into homeostasis can be a more beneficial approach. --The Brain Core Therapy that is the best and most powerful way to exercise and improve the brain to help with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and Alzheimer's. And why Dr. Prather calls it the "best" therapy now available for Alzheimer's. --How Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of the ear) helps rewire the brain to make it work better. And why it helps advanced Alzheimer's patients. --The benefits of chiropractic treatment in the Atlas area for Alzheimer's patients (as well as for Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis patients). Plus, how Acupuncture can benefit Alzheimer's patients. --How liver congestion can kick off Alzheimer's. And how Aluminum and Mercury toxicity are important considerations. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
The GI Effects Stool Kit is a recommended annual test to determine the health of your gut--where 80% of your immune system is found. In this episode, you'll learn: --The huge leap forward through the biogenome project that reveals more about what's going on in our health. --Why you have more "other" cells in our bodies than cells with your own DNA. And how those cells are essential to our health and well-being, --The diseases that originate in the gut: Cancer, Heart Disease, and all Auto-Immune Disease (Sjogren's Syndrome, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type II Diabetes, Osteoarthritis). --How the GI Effects test not only reveals the underlying problem in your gut, but also reveals the specific products to treat it. --Why low iron is the leading cause of attention deficit disorder in young women (leading to recommendations of prescriptions like Adderall which can worsen the problem) when the underlying cause is really a gut bacterial infection. --Why almost all rashes and skin issues in babies are due to an underlying yeast infection in the gut. And why all acne cases should begin with a check of gut toxicity. --While everyone should have an annual GI Effects Test, those with the following conditions absolutely MUST have one: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, anyone with an immune system problem, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease risk. --How the GI Effects Test can determine your likelihood of developing colon cancer. --How the GI Effects Test helped determine the cause (and treatment) for someone with undiagnosed headaches and has even helped find parasites causing insomnia and sleep disturbance. --The story of the patient who had been everywhere--Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins--and could not find relief from her health symptoms until Dr. Prather determined the root issue through a GI Effects Test. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
The most powerful pain killers ever invented have created the worst addiction crisis in American history. In this episode, you'll find out: --How opiates block our body's own pain-killer mechanism and takes away a person's ability to feel pleasure. Plus, the situations in which opiates should (and should not) be used. --The impact of marketing from pharmaceutical companies on the amount of prescriptions being prescribed. (And how doctors are prescribing FOUR TIMES as many opiates than in 1999.) --How prescription opiates have fueled the rising use of heroin in America. (And how it has increased HIV and Hepatitis-C through the sharing of needles.) --The shocking number of PREGNANT women prescribed opiates and how their babies are being born addicted. --How Acupuncture gets "quicker and longer-lasting pain relief" compared to prescription opiates by helping your body produce its own pain-killers. (Plus, why the Veterans Administration refers patients to Dr. Prather for Acupuncture,) --Why Auricular Therapy (micro-current stimulation of the ear) Is described as "one of the most powerful things we do" in Dr. Prather's office and "the most proven therapy in the world". --Why it is not enough to get patients out of pain, but necessary to also restore function through rehabilitation and corrective exercise. --How the new standards given this year by The Joint Commission (the leading health accrediting agency in the United States) line up with the integrated treatments at The Prather Practice. --If a patient goes to a Chiropractor first, less than 1% require surgery. If a patient sees a surgeon first, 40% require surgery. --The recommended treatments for those suffering with the disease of addiction (including Counseling, Auricular Therapy, and Non-Addictive Pain Relievers such as Homeopathics, Herbals, and Topical Prescriptions developed by the military). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 06, 2015
Saturday Jun 06, 2015
Saturday Jun 06, 2015
We're joined this week by Art Adams who brings his counseling skills to The Prather Practice". In this episode, you'll discover: --That unhealthy additions can include tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, relationships, or food (includes over-eating and under-eating such as bulimia and anorexia). --How lifestyle develops. Do we learn behaviors by imitation or by genetic tendencies? --The A.N.T. Problem (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and how it impacts your lifestyle. --How our body responds to stored behaviors in our brains. --Why our behaviors can re-wire our brains and affect the way we think. --How to get past the "unfinished business" (like traumas) in our lives so that the bad does not have to define us. --The reason why people gain weight back after losing it (yo-yo dieting). --How to use replacement therapy to deal with triggers and cravings for addictive behavior. --Until the pain of the addiction or compulsion becomes greater than the pleasure of the compulsion, we will stay in that compulsion. --Why Dr. Prather believes integrating counseling services into his office is key to a holistic health practice. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
Detoxification is an important daily part of our body's function. But the vast majority of people need some additional type of detoxification to feel their best. In this episode, you'll learn: --The major systems in our body responsible for detoxification (skin, lungs, liver, bowels, spleen, and kidneys). --Why you automatically become toxic if you are dehydrated. --How toxicity leads to fat accumulation and why detoxification is a key part of weight loss. (Plus, the number of bowel movements you should have daily in order to prevent toxicity and lose weight,) --How your chances of surviving Cancer increase if you can keep your liver cleansed. And how detoxification is extremely important for Cancer prevention, Cancer treatment, and helping to stop Cancer from coming back. --Why you can harm yourself doing a detox, and why Dr. Prather strongly advises having a doctor's guidance through a detox program. --The lab tests you need to see how toxic you are, --Why Dr. Prather prefers gentle detoxifications instead of aggressive detox programs that stress the body. --That 80% of all autoimmune disease comes from the bowels. And how toxins are ALWAYS a crucial part in battling autoimmune disease. --Why you actually need to be healthy in order to fast. --How a 5-day food rotation diet takes stress off of the body and helps to eliminate toxins. (And why Dr. Prather calls it a "major secret to health and longevity".) www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 23, 2015
Saturday May 23, 2015
Saturday May 23, 2015
While the spine is a crucial part of Chiropractic, the entire body can benefit from Chiropractic adjustments. In this episode, you'll find out: --That 95% of patients who need a spinal adjustment also need additional adjustments in other areas of the body. (But not all Chiropractors adjust extremities.) --The story of how Dr. Prather helped a friend with TMJ who had actually tried to commit suicide because he was suffering so badly from jaw pain. --Why the jaw has a direct connection to the brain's pain centers as well as the brain's emotional centers, And the unique adjusting system Dr. Prather has developed for adjusting the jaw and taught to other Chiropractors. --Why patients will often need their head and jaw adjusted before getting relief from a shoulder adjustment. --How Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, and Physical Therapy can help prevent shoulder surgery (almost 90% of the time) or make the surgery go more smoothly. --Why the elbow is one of the easiest joints to adjust and one of the best in holding the adjustment for patients with Tennis elbow. --That many Carpal Tunnel patients (who even had the surgery with no results) have been misdiagnosed and actually have a Palmaris Longus Syndrome that responds well to adjustments of the bones in the wrist. --Why a Eustachean Tube chiropractic adjustment (basically a tug on the ear) can help with ear infections, tinnitus, and upper respiratory infections. --Why hip surgery can be delayed or even postponed with Chiropractic adjustments. (And how patients who had hip surgery can find relief from an adjustment, too.) --Plus more on how Chiropractic adjustment can benefit ribs, knees, feet, ankles, and more. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 16, 2015
Saturday May 16, 2015
Saturday May 16, 2015
It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover: --The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have). --The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies). --How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms. --The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief. --The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk). --Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient. --How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system). --The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies. --How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too). --How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause sinusitis. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 09, 2015
Saturday May 09, 2015
Saturday May 09, 2015
Cancer is the #2 killer of Americans. But there are strategies to help prevent 85% of Cancer cases and improve your chances of survival and quality of life. In this episode, you'll learn: --How the Structure/Function approach to health care doesn't treat the disease, but focuses on the homeostasis of the body. --The difference between the two FDA classifications for health care: Disease Care and Structure/Function Care. --The effectiveness of the Disease Care model for Cancer, and how the effectiveness depends on the type of Cancer. --Why you need a Structure/Function doctor to build up your body while an oncologist fights your cancer. --What causes Cancer and how long it takes for Cancer to develop. Plus, the factors that must be present for Cancer to occur. --Why anemia is a huge factor in Cancer and reduces your chances of survival by 50%. --How a toxic liver can lead to Cancer, and why detoxification of your liver and kidneys are important in fighting Cancer. --How Structure/Function Care helps build your body's immune system to prevent and fight Cancer. --Why pH is "so important" in Cancer and why minerals are key to pH. (And the right approach to the Alkaline-Acidity balance.). Plus, why Dr. Prather calls distilled water "Cancer Water" and advises AGAINST it. --The steps you should take if you or a loved one is diagnosed with Cancer. Including how there are 85% fewer complaints (pain, nausea, etc.) if a Cancer patient receives Structure/Function care along with their Cancer treatments. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 02, 2015
Saturday May 02, 2015
Saturday May 02, 2015
Television host Dr. Oz has been in the news lately as critics have attacked him for his television and radio advice. As a doctor on the radio, Dr. Prather has a personal reaction to the attacks. In this episode, you'll discover: --The background and credentials of Dr. Oz. --Dr. Oz's unique perspective on America's health care system as a true "insider". --The suppression of choices and information in our health care system. (And how this controversy is not just about Dr. Oz, but about our health care freedoms.) --What "The Oz Effect" is and how it influences health care choices. --The Green Tea Extract/Weight Loss research that led to a Congressional hearing. --The conflict of interest for the U.S. Senator who led the attacks on Dr. Oz. --The 10 doctors who are attacking Dr. Oz--and the startling conflict of interest they have. --The history behind how our health care system became centered around pharmaceuticals. --Why supporting local sustainable agriculture that is not chemically-based is important for our health. --The steps you should take for good health. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 25, 2015
The Secrets Of Staying Young
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
This week, Dr. Prather discusses the science of healthy aging, Living to the age of 100--or more--does not have to mean enduring twilight years filled with the infirmities of aging. In this episode, you'll find out: --How long we should really live and how it compares to our current average life span. --Why people who live past the age of 90 "have few illnesses and disabilities" and are "surprisingly active". --The innovations that have increased our life spans in the past several decades. --Why we may have the first generation in America that will not live as long as the one before it. --What are "Blue Zones" and the patterns they reveal about healthy aging. --Why women live longer than men. --What role diet plays in longevity. (Including the difference between Alkaline and Acidic diets.) --The connection between aging and inflammation. (And the source of 80% of inflammation in our bodies.) --How exercise affects aging (both too little and too much exercise). --Whether marriage adds or subtracts years to your longevity. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 18, 2015
Why You Need A Hair Analysis Every Year
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
There are 3 tests Dr. Prather recommends everyone have every year to get a blueprint to your health. One of those tests is a Hair Analysis to reveal your body's mineral levels. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why Mineral deficiency is common due to the deficiencies in our food, and how entire civilizations rise and fall based on the quality of minerals in their land. --The role stress, pharmaceuticals, and diet play in mineral depletion. --Why Minerals are so important to our health. --What a Hair Analysis reveals. --How heavy metal toxicity poisons your body and dramatically impacts your health. And who is at greatest risk for heavy metal toxicity (such as 80% of dentists and 40% of children). --Why Hair Analysis is key for Cancer patients. --How Aluminum toxicity impacts Autism, Asperger's Disease, ADD, and ADHD. And how we consume an increasing amount of Aluminum through cookware, vaccinations, food preservatives, and anti-perspirants. --Why Dr. Prather will not treat someone with Osteoporosis unless he can do a Hair Analysis. (And how more Calcium can actually make Osteoporosis WORSE in certain cases.) --The most common Mineral deficiency and how it can affect your health in a variety of areas: vision, heart problems, kidney issues, liver disorders, prostate problems, fertility, and eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. --The role Minerals play in triggering depression. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 11, 2015
The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Health
Saturday Apr 11, 2015
Saturday Apr 11, 2015
Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover: --How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body. --Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body. --Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others. --The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly. --Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis. --How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues. --How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem. --Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year. --The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100% improvement. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com