For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Apr 04, 2015
The Solution To Health Care Reform In America
Saturday Apr 04, 2015
Saturday Apr 04, 2015
A proven plan for 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer hospital stays, 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 85% savings in pharmaceuticals. In this episode, you'll find out: --How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois did a seven year experiment of Structure/Function Health Care as the primary health care portal. --How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois now boasts the Highest patient satisfaction rate of any HMO group in the nation. --The satisfaction rate that specialists (such as Cardiologists and Oncologists) gave the Structure-Function model versus the Disease Care model. --How Structure-Function Health Care gets to the root cause of the problem, while Disease Care focuses on treating symptoms. --How adverse reactions are reduced by an astounding 80% since Structure/Function Health care causes no harm. --Why Dr, Prather sees the need for the Structure-Function Health Care Model to better communicate and collaborate and not be so independent. --Why lab tests and diagnostics are even more important in the Structure-Function Health Care Model. --Why Dr. Prather says that the underlying problem is that we do not have a complete health care system. --The proposed role Dr. Prather sees for Health Savings Accounts in his health care reform solution. --Dr. Prather's prediction of "happy, healthy 120 year-olds" in the very near future. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 28, 2015
Bloodwork: The Blueprint To Your Health
Saturday Mar 28, 2015
Saturday Mar 28, 2015
As Dr. Prather says, "If you don't test, you don't know." Proper diagnostics are key to getting to the root cause of your health condition so that the doctor knows which direction to go. In this episode, you'll discover: --The three tests you should have every single year to find out what's going on in your body. --The difference in training and focus on bloodwork between Dr. Prather and the average Medical Doctor. --Why Dr. Prather often notices abnormalities in his patients' bloodwork when a patient's Medical Doctor describes them as "normal". --The Prather Profile comprehensive blood analysis that covers "every aspect of your health" and is recommended annually for everyone. --The story of a 12-year-old girl who was struggling in school and having Attention Deficit problems. But after discovering low iron in her blood tests, she had a complete turnaround after just a couple of days of iron supplementation. --Why an annual blood test can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease as those diseases are developing long before they are diagnosed. --What is included in The Prather Profile Blood Analysis, and how it checks every organ system. --How too LOW cholesterol can be more dangerous than high cholesterol, and why high cholesterol is "anti-aging". (Plus, why the HDL and LDL ratio is what you should be looking at instead of the overall number.) --The connection between an improperly-functioning liver and hormonal imbalances. (And how hot flashes in women can be eliminated when the liver is balanced out.) --How Dr. Prather almost never finds a patient with a correctly-working hormone system. (And how patients can eliminate anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications once the root cause imbalance is dealt with.) www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 21, 2015
Car Accidents: The Most Common Injury
Saturday Mar 21, 2015
Saturday Mar 21, 2015
Every 10-seconds, someone in the U.S. has a car accident. And injuries do not always show up immediately after an accident. In this episode, you'll learn... --Why you can't rely on hospitals to conduct X-rays after an accident or have injuries correctly diagnosed by your regular doctor. --What Dr. Prather looks for as he examines an accident victim. And how Dr. Prather, as a Chiropractor, can see obvious injuries from an accident years later when hospitals and other doctors missed them. --How Dr. Prather can tell how long ago an accident occurred based on arthritis that has been developed as a result of the accident trauma. --Why lower-speed accidents can cause GREATER injuries compared to high-speed injuries. --The most common injury from car accidents. --Why you need a Chiropractic adjustment following a whiplash injury to get the neck aligned in proper position. --The computerized, range-of-motion muscle test that compares your progress before and after treatment. --The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment that is recognized as the most effective procedure to bring your neck into proper alignment. (And Dr. Prather is the only board certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor in Indiana.) --The role Acupuncture plays in eliminating inflammation instead of taking dangerous prescriptions that are less effective. --What steps you should take after a car accident to get the coverage you need. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 14, 2015
Hormones: The Key To Unlocking Weight Loss
Saturday Mar 14, 2015
Saturday Mar 14, 2015
When you have done everything right and still can't shed the weight, oftentimes the problem is hormonal. In this episode, you'll find out: --How the hormones have a regulatory influence on your weight. --The influence outside chemicals (such plastics or food additives) have on our hormonal balance. --The link between a man's hormones and prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and obesity. --Why taking testosterone for low testosterone (which impacts both men and women) can actually make the problem WORSE and result in even lower testosterone. --The reason why men's hormones are much easier to balance compared to women. --The huge influence of the liver (which Dr. Prather calls an "endocrine balancer") in analyzing your hormonal balance. --Why your chances of getting cancer are SIX TIMES greater if you are overweight due to your hormones. --How fat itself produces imbalances in your hormones. --Why Dr. Prather believes 98% of patients would be harmed by pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy or biodentical hormones. (And the subtle, safer, and natural adjustment they need instead to balance their hormones. --The reason why Dr. Prather insists on thorough lab testing for his weight loss patients. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 07, 2015
Transform Your Heart in 7 Weeks
Saturday Mar 07, 2015
Saturday Mar 07, 2015
External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease, America's #1 killer. In this episode, you'll discover: --Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better. --How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS. --The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster". --The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects. --How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina. --Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries). --How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes. --The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50. --The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy. --Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new records. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Overcoming Obstacles To Weight Loss
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
We're continuing our series on weight loss. This week, we focus on the obstacles we encounter in losing weight. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why your body's resistance to change is the biggest obstacle to weight loss. --How to get your body to reset your "set point" for weight that it will maintain, which usually has a 95% failure rate on most diets. --That your body's fat percentage is more important than weight loss, which could include loss of muscle. --Why "skinny fat" can increase your chances of cancer. --How your hormones regulate your metabolism and why your hormones must be "tricked" to trigger weight loss, such as through the HCG Diet. --Why an imbalanced thyroid can prevent weight loss, and how correcting the thyroid imbalance can trigger weight loss before a patient even begins a weight loss program. --How your Metabolic Rate determines how fast your body burns fat and how energetic you feel. --The role "gut health" plays in losing weight and how it can unlock the mystery of why certain patients can't lose weight. --The Diathermy treatment that provides immediate relief for a toxic liver. --The role Chiropractic Adjustments and Auricular Therapy play in getting your body converted to a state that burns fat and gains muscle. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 21, 2015
The Weight Loss Solution
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Obesity has become the biggest health problem in America and is classified as a disease process. In this episode, you'll discover: --The body fat percentage that is classified as obese. --Why Body Mass Index is not a reliable indicator, and the test that IS an accurate measurement of body fat percentage. --That America's dramatic increase in obesity has occurred WITHOUT an increase in calorie intake. (And what is the true cause of the obesity increase.) --The studies that show how 95% people on diets have a higher fat percentage five years later. (And the danger of losing weight in your muscle and organs instead of fat.) --The HCG Diet that helps you lose fat--especially belly fat--instead of muscle. (And why the HCG Diet must be accompanied with a calorie restriction to ensure you burn fat.) --How the HCG program increases men's Testosterone and sperm count, along with energy and libido. And how HCG must be medically-supervised and for a limited amount of time. --The 2-week start-up special for just $99 that runs through the middle of March 2015: "Don't Wait To Lose The Weight". --How Dr. Prather has over 200 methods for weight loss available to get the right individual program for long-lasting results for his patients. --The natural vitamin injections to help flush toxins out of the body and help you to feel good during your weight loss program. --Marc's story of how he lost 47 pounds in five weeks and went from 37% body fat to 23% body fat during that time. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Sexual Health
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll find out: --How often is considered a healthy libido? --Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system. --The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!) --Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system. --How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health. --How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health). --The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.) --The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.) --The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves fertility. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Measles: The Vaccine Debate
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Measles has been in the news a great deal over the past few days. One of the big debates is whether vaccines for the measles should be mandated by the government. In this episode, you'll learn: --The number of cases in 1960 compared to the number of cases last year. And how most of our measles cases are coming from overseas. --The time between exposure to the measles--when you become contagious without being aware--and the onset of symptoms. --How to become immune to the measles, and why the vaccine does NOT make you immune for life. --Why breastfeeding helped transfer the immune system needed to fight off the measles. --The blood test that can determine if you are immune to the measles. And how you can still get the measles even if you've had the vaccine. --How the Autism rate went from 1-in-10,000 in 1980 to 1-in-50 today. And the connection between vaccines and childhood asthma, which causes 5,000 deaths per year. --Why Dr. Prather recommends the Vitamin A in Cod Liver Oil when children get sick, including the measles. And how Homeopathics can stimulate the immune system. --Why Dr. Prather says the debate is not really about the measles, but really about whether people should be allowed to opt out of vaccinations. --Those who should definitely NOT receive the Measles Vaccination due to potential complications, such as pregnant women, those with compromised immune systems, and those with egg allergies. --The protocol Dr. Prather recommends to minimize reactions for those who do choose to vaccinate. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Live From Vegas! The Parker Chiropractic Seminar
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
The Parker Seminar from the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino is one of the largest chiropractic conferences in the world, featuring the latest in technology. In this episode, you'll discover: --Rapid Release Technology and how vibration is beneficial to the health of the body. --The technology that uses resonant frequency to release scar tissue and adhesions from injury, repetitive stress, or surgery to create stable and lasting change for patients (including those who suffer from Migraines, TMJ, Plantar Fasciitis, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.) --Hope for those with peripheral neuropathy that is inexpensive and delivers quick results. --Rock Tape kinesiology tape that is like "duct tape for the human body" popularized by Olympic athletes and can be seen on NFL players (including a Super Bowl team). --Why Rock Tape stays on longer than other kinesiology tapes (up to 5 days) and also prevents skin irritation. --How Rock Tape continues to work on patients AFTER they leave the doctor's office. --How Medical Doctors and Chiropractors can integrate in a marriage of both worlds that is creating a new paradigm of health care for the future. --The remarkable story of the Medical Doctor who changed his practice after he saw the results his patients were getting with Dr. Prather and the Structure-Function health care approach. --How Medical Doctor and Chiropractor Integration can cut costs for insurance companies and make health care more efficient and effective for the patient. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 24, 2015
Stopping Elderly Accidents, Death, and Injuries
Saturday Jan 24, 2015
Saturday Jan 24, 2015
The Centers for Disease Control is encouraging physicians to educate their elderly patients on how to prevent falls, which occur in 1 of every 3 adults over the age of 65 each year. In this episode, you'll find out: --The surprising statistics, consequences, and costs resulting from falls each year. --The most common types of injuries from falls. --How Chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial in both preventing falls and in aiding recovery after a fall. --The role Acupuncture can play in helping to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and speed up healing by half the time (even scar prevention and healing of old scars). --How BrainCore Neurofeedback Therapy helps "balance out the brainwaves", helps with dementia, and benefits balance to decrease the chance of falls. --Why pharmaceuticals are a major CAUSE of vertigo, dizziness, and falls in the elderly. And how Dr. Prather helps his patients to reduce their prescriptions in favor of natural supplementation without the negative side effects from drugs. --The Eustachian Tube chiropractic adjustment of the ear that helps patients find relief from vertigo. --The Auricular Therapy treatment that balances out the autonomic nervous system through micro-current stimulation of the ear, and how it helps to restore a patient's kinesthetic sense (the body's ability to know where we are). --How Tai Chi classes offered at Meridian Health and Wellness can help prevent falls and reverse aging. --The checklist of things to look for in your home to help prevent falls. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 17, 2015
Failure Of Prescription Pain Relief
Saturday Jan 17, 2015
Saturday Jan 17, 2015
The statistics are outrageous when it comes to the failure of prescription drugs in managing pain. But there are effective, non-drug alternatives to correct the root cause of pain. In this episode, you'll learn: --The new government recommendations for pain that took effect on January 1, 2015 (and why the new recommendations are a dramatic change from the previous "drug-first" recommendations). --Why the first line of treatment for pain needs to be a non-invasive, non-addictive Structure/Function approach. (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Physical Therapy) --How opiate addiction is a disease process that causes physiological and physical changes in the brain. --How Medicaid patients are several times more likely to be prescribed an opiate for pain compared to patients not on Medicaid. (And how just 20% of all doctors prescribe 80% of opiates.) --Why Dr. Prather says you are NEVER safe taking even a properly-prescribed pharmaceutical due to their very nature. --The risk to our children from prescription drug abuse, and how pharmaceuticals are fueling the heroin epidemic. --The pain cream containing opiates that reduces the opiate levels in your blood stream by 90% and can help wean patients off of opiates. --Why most doctors are unequipped to provide pain management under the new recommended care standards. --How Acupuncture increases your body's own natural opiates to fight pain and provide a long-term effect in helping your body to handle pain. (And the non-needle Acupuncture options available.) --The Auricular Therapy treatment that electrically stimulates points on the ears to stimulate the brain in order to help manage pain and even fight addiction. (And why Dr. Prather calls it "the most proven therapy in the world".) www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 10, 2015
The Failure of Antibiotics
Saturday Jan 10, 2015
Saturday Jan 10, 2015
Antibiotic resistance is one of the world's most pressing health problems. And it is due to the misuse and overuse of these important, life-saving drugs. In this episode, you'll discover: --How the inventors of antibiotics feared the overuse of them so that they would be rendered ineffective. --The shocking number of times the inventors of antibiotics felt that the drugs SHOULD be used in one's lifetime. --How antibiotics make viruses and yeast infections STRONGER (but yet some doctors prescribe them anyway). --The procedure a patient SHOULD go through before receiving an antibiotic. (It's unlikely your doctor goes through this process!) --How 80% of the time antibiotics are given in the U.S., the patient doesn't even have a bacterial infection. --Why an antibiotic damages your immune system when you take it. (And how an antibiotic can make a virus more ingrained in your system.) --The number of rounds of antibiotics that increase a child's chances of developing a learning disability by a factor of 10. --How the Structure-Function Health Care Model offers answers to patients in a post-antibiotic world. (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Homeopathics, Herbals) --Take the antibiotic quiz from the Centers for Disease Control. --What parents should do when their children are sick instead of pressuring the doctor for an antibiotic. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 03, 2015
The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health
Saturday Jan 03, 2015
Saturday Jan 03, 2015
Dr. Prather uses these 8 items to evaluate the health of his patients. How does your health rate? In this episode, find out: --How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system. --The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow. --How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say). --What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body. --What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health. --The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body. --The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health. --What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged. --The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area). --How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 27, 2014
Achieve Your New Year's Goals!
Saturday Dec 27, 2014
Saturday Dec 27, 2014
Almost half of us make New Year's Resolutions, but only 8% report they have success in achieving them. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why people who write down their goals are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals compared to those who don't write them down. --Dr. Prather's six categories for goal-setting. --The program Dr. Prather recommends to achieve the #1 New Year's Resolution of Losing Weight. (And how he personally used the program this past year to lose 20 pounds and 4-inches off of his waist in two weeks.) --The three tests Dr. Prather recommends everyone have at least once a year to get a clear blueprint of your health. --The Stop Smoking program Dr. Prather uses to help his patients reach their goal of quitting smoking. And why Acupuncture, Auricular Therapy, and Homeopathics are key parts of this program. --How to set reasonable and obtainable goals that can be measured. --The importance of setting mini-goals and rewarding yourself. --The problem that most weight loss programs have by causing people to lose muscle instead of fat. (And how to trick the body to burn fat instead of muscle.) --How Dr. Prather's Healthy Lifestyles weight loss program especially targets unhealthy belly fat. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com