For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Obesity: A Weighty Issue
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Dr. Prather shares a weight loss program that helped him lose 24 pounds in 2 weeks. Obesity is considered the biggest health concern in America at this time. In this episode, you'll learn: --The Body Composition Analysis test to determine your fat percentage. And why Body Mass Index is not a good measure. --Why the French aren't as fat as Americans even though they consume more calories. --The HCG Diet Plan that allows the body to utilize a higher percentage of fat for energy and specifically targets weight around the gut. --The misinformation you should be aware of online about the HCG diet and why you should NEVER do the HCG diet without a doctor to oversee it. --How the HCG diet increases a woman's chance of getting pregnant. --Why balancing out your hormones and endocrine system is key for weight loss, especially for those who have tried everything and found no results. --The importance of detoxification before you begin a weight loss program to avoid feeling sick. --The vitamin injections Dr. Prather offers for patients to help the liver to work better and avoid a toxic feeling through the weight loss. --Why you cannot lose weight if you are eating foods you are allergic to (without realizing you are even allergic to it). --Why a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise provides the best results. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Estrogen Imbalance
Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Imbalance of estrogen--in both women and men--is a common problem that affects 80% of all women and 40% of all men. The older you get, the more likely you are to have this imbalance. In this episode, you'll discover: --How our endocrine system (which produced our hormones) is the master system that tells the body what to do. --The health problems (for both sexes) that can develop when you have an imbalance of estrogen. --Why your hormones cannot properly balance if you have a congested liver (the chemical factory of the body). --How estrogen balance eliminates PMS symptoms, and the times of greatest hormonal imbalance for women (puberty, childbirth, & menopause). --Why it all starts with the liver in the treatment for estrogen imbalance. (Plus, why your Liver and thyroid do not work right with low iodine levels, which is common in Indiana.) --How pesticides, Chlorine, and Fluoride can cause estrogen imbalance. --That you will have twice the risk of cancer if you take bioidentical hormones or pharmaceuticals for your hormones. (And the safer, natural alternatives.) --Why soy products and sugar increase estrogen levels, and why fiber is one of the best ways to balance estrogen levels. --How Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Mood Disorders, Fatigue, and Loss of Libido are all affected by this imbalance. --Why your Copper/Zinc ratio is key for your hormones (and your relationships) to work. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Congestive Heart Failure
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
Saturday Aug 23, 2014
6 million Americans suffer from Congestive Heart Failure, which is the #1 reason for hospitalization for those over 65. More people are coming down with Congestive Heart Failure than ever before, costing us $100 billion a year. In this episode, find out: --The causes and risk factors of Congestive Heart Failure. --Signs and symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure. --Why Dr, Prather considers Congestive Heart Failure a disease of rich nations and a lifestyle disease that is "completely unnecessary". --How certain pharmaceuticals--like cholesterol drugs--can actually kick off Congestive Heart Failure. --Why disease care can slow down Congestive Heart Failure, but never reverse it. (And why you need Structure/Function health care to reverse Congestive Heart Failure.) --How Dr. Prather approaches Congestive Heart Failure in his patients. --Why Dr. Prather says the heart is the "most easily fixed organ in the body with the highest capacity of regenerating itself". --The machine Dr. Prather uses to help his patients achieve the benefits of aerobic exercise...without the patients actually having to exercise. --Why patients can have hope to reverse their Congestive Heart Failure even though there aren't any good medical options available. --The preventive measures to avoid Congestive Heart Failure, and the tests you should have done to diagnose heart health. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 16, 2014
The Liver: Organ of Homeostasis
Saturday Aug 16, 2014
Saturday Aug 16, 2014
The liver is the workhorse of the body, which supports every other organ and function of the body. You'll learn: --How the liver has 500 different chemical functions in the body (impacting your immune system, your blood pressure, your hormones, your digestive system, and type II diabetes). --Why a sick liver is a major reason for high cholesterol (and why cholesterol medicines can make your liver even more unhealthy). --How a properly-functioning liver can help women with hot flashes, PMS, and low libido. --Why Dr. Prather says close to 100% of patients need extra support for their liver. --How pharmaceuticals (and the chemicals in the foods we eat) damage and add stress to your liver. --The connection between fatigue, sluggishness, nausea and a congested liver. --The emotion that the Talmud connects to the liver, and the behavioral changes Dr. Prather sees as a patient's liver becomes healthier. --The reason why liver detoxification programs usually cause more harm than good, and the more gentle approach Dr. Prather uses for his patients. --How constipation can produce chemicals that cause cancer and heart disease (and how a healthy liver eliminates constipation). --Why everyone with a thyroid problem always has an issue with their liver. --What every cancer patient should know: How a healthy liver can help fight cancer. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 09, 2014
Prostate Health
Saturday Aug 09, 2014
Saturday Aug 09, 2014
1-in-7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men and the #2 cause of cancer deaths in men. In this episode, you'll discover: --The problems that can occur with the prostate. (Prostatitis, BPH, Cancer.) --When it is appropriate to "watch and wait" with prostate cancer. --The different kinds of Prostatitis--which 16% of all men will have--and why 93% of those cases have an unknown cause with no effective medical treatment options available. --The prostate issue that 60% of men 60 years of age have and that affects 80% of men 80 years of age. --The Structure/Function Health Care approach versus the Medical and Disease Care approach. (And why the underlying cause of the disease is crucial to Dr. Prather's approach.) --How low Testosterone can be associated with prostate problems. --The natural supplements, herbal remedies, and nutritional support products helpful for prostate issues. --How obesity makes it almost impossible to have a healthy prostate. --The role of fiber and the health of the colon in the health of your prostate (And how a diet heavy in soy can be dangerous to your prostate). --Why a healthy (and monogamous) sexual relationship is beneficial to prostate health. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Depression: There Is Hope
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
Saturday Aug 02, 2014
About 10% of the population seeks medical help for depression. They are also more likely to be put on prescription medicarion, which can cause severe problems. Dr. Prather offers an alternative approach. In this episode, find out: --How depression can be kicked off by pharmaceuticals (including drugs for ADD/ADHD and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories). --If you have 5 of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, you should seek help for depression. --Why Structure/Function health care should be a part of your care for depression in order to get to the underlying cause. --How hormones, structural issues, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, and imbalances in minerals are important considerations as a cause of depression. --How 70% of depressed patients in one study had thyroid issues, and how antidepressants can often be eliminated after the thyroid is working properly. --How low iron is a common cause of depression in teenage girls, and the inspiring story of the Mom who now has her daughter back. --The tear-jerking story of an 84-year-old woman who avoided being put on antidepressants and being admitted to a nursing home because Dr. Prather discovered too low cholesterol and low fat levels as the source of her problem. --Why Dr. Prather says acupuncture "almost consistently" helps bring people out of a depressive state and gives patients relief from anxiety and insomnia. --The natural, non-pharmaceutical treatments Dr. Prather uses in his office to help those with depression. --The story of a man who tried to commit suicide 5 times and whose life was transformed by getting his copper/zinc ratio balanced out. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jul 26, 2014
Spinal Health
Saturday Jul 26, 2014
Saturday Jul 26, 2014
You are almost as old as your spine is. 80% of us will be sidelined at some point in our lives because of back problems. It's the #2 reason for missed work. In this episode, you'll learn: --How to avoid unnecessary pain and unnecessary expense by maintaining your spinal health. --How the upper-cervical area of your spine impacts your entire nervous system. --How untreated spinal injuries can lead to long-term degeneration. (And why too many hospitals wrongly tell accident victims they are fine after an accident.) --That you'll have a 40% chance of having surgery if you see an orthopedic surgeon, but only a .5% chance of having surgery if you see a chiropractor first. --One study showed that 50% of young men had a bulging disc. But just because you have a bulged disc does not necessarily mean you'll have a problem with it. (Plus, how SMOKING can cause a bulged dic.) --Natural anti-inflammatories that work better than pharmaceuticals without the side effects. Plus, how acupuncture relieves inflammation. --How chiropractic adjustments have a bigger impact on blood pressure than pharmaceuticals. And how they also help asthma, ear infections, and stomach pains because of the change in the nervous system. (And the story of the patient whose acne cleared up because of the adjustments!) --How ADD and ADHD can be settled down by chiropractic adjustments, and how autism is impacted by an improper flow of cerebrospinal fluid. --Why chiropractic adjustments are good for newborn babies (and why the kids love it and respond so well.) www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Hypertension: The Silent Killer
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Hypertension is the #1 diagnosis that people receive when they go to the doctor. 90% of us will have a diagnosis of hypertension during our lives, including 1-in-4 middle-aged adults. You'll discover: --The damage hypertension causes to our cardiovascular health. --Why it's important to understand the underlying cause of hypertension. (And why prescription medications do NOT change the outcome of hypertension cases.) --The #1 cause of hypertension in 70% of cases (and how your prescription could make this issue even WORSE.) --The side effects of blood pressure medicines, and why Dr. Prather is “almost always” able to get his patients off of their prescriptions. --The non-prescription treatments for hypertension such as nutritional supplementation, chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture. --The chiropractic adjustment that studies have shown to be more effective than prescriptions in lowering blood pressure. --Why "detective work" is necessary to determine the underlying cause of hypertension, and the diagnostics you should have done. --The role of the gut and food allergies in hypertension (particularly for patients who had no results from other treatment). --The successful smoking cessation program Dr. Prather recommends for patients. --The great results patients see from a "permanent weight loss program" called Healthy Habits and why MALNUTRITION is the real cause of obesity. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Why We Need Supplements
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
The nutritional value of our food today is not as high as the food of previous generations. Therefore, we need supplementation for good health. In this episode, find out: --The connection between longevity and the nutritional value of our caloric intake. --Why we overeat on foods that have less nutritional value. --The different kinds of supplements (concentrated foods, synthetic vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, organ meats, herbals, and Homeopathics). --The importance of proper lab tests and Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to improve your results and eliminate guesswork. (And why you should NOT pick supplements at random at a health food store!) --Why Dr. Prather says, "Very seldom do we find someone with a properly functioning liver." --How Homeopathics (which are free of side effects) are a good option for patients with sensitivities to pharmaceuticals and even vitamins. --Why concentrated organ meats can help our lungs, pancreas, stomach, and endocrine system. (And why patients always seem to choose the pill over eating large amounts of liver!) --The reason why Dr. Prather does NOT like multivitamins and how they can actually make you sicker. --Why pharmaceuticals do not bring you closer to health, but supplements can. (And how Dr. Prather builds the health of his patients so that they no longer need their pharmaceuticals.) --How 60% of cancer, 80% of cardiovascular disease, and 70% of hypertension cases can be attributed to nutritional deficiencies. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Health Benefits Of Love & Marriage
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Saturday Jul 05, 2014
Studies show there is a health bonus from being married--longer life, fewer health issues, and faster recovery. In this episode, you'll learn: --The percentage health increase that both men and women get from marriage (and which one gets the greatest benefit). --The health benefits for married men (even positive neurological changes compared to single men). --How the health benefit for women is more sensitive to the quality of a marriage. --How to make your marriage work better (and which spouse studies show has a greater impact on the health and happiness of a marriage). --The funny story that reveals why Dr. Prather is NOT allowed to do laundry. (Men, take notes!) --The different expectations men and women have in marriage (and the importance of unconditional respect and unconditional love). --How your underlying health issues can impact your marriage and relationships, including the balance of your hormones and nervous system. --Why some patients claim their chiropractic adjustments help their relationships. --The story of a patient who took an herbal supplement that boosted her libido and saved her marriage. --How your sex life is a good indicator of your health and the health of your marriage. --Why casual sexual relationships do not have the same health benefits of monogamy. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 28, 2014
The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health
Saturday Jun 28, 2014
Saturday Jun 28, 2014
A philosophy of care designed by Dr. Prather to evaluate and bring his patients to health. You'll discover: --How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system. --The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow. --How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say). --What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body. --What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health. --The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body. --The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health. --What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged. --The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area). --How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 21, 2014
The Health Care Model Of The Future
Saturday Jun 21, 2014
Saturday Jun 21, 2014
How to cut health care costs by 40%, while improving patient satisfaction and health. In this powerful episode, Dr. Prather shares the model for his office and the "seismic finding" of a major insurance company research project. Find out: --The solution for our nation's health care crisis in which we spend more money than anyone else, with "abysmal" results in the health of patients (especially in areas such as cardiovascular and cancer). --The difference between Disease Care and Structure/Function Health Care models and how the best path forward is the best of both worlds. --The 80/20 rule for the appropriate balance between Structure/Function Health Care and Disease Care. --Why the cause of symptoms and disease processes is unimportant in the Disease Care model, but the Structure/Function model is dependent upon discovering the underlying cause. --Why the Disease Care approach is not the first place you should go when you are sick. --When the Disease Care model truly shines. --How you can increase your chances of surviving cancer by 50%. --The 5-year insurance company study that showed the health care model used in Dr. Prather's office reduced overall health care costs by 40%, slashed pharmaceutical costs by 85%, and hospital stays by over 60%. (And decreased adverse patient reactions and malpractice suits by 80%, while boosting patient satisfaction and health!) --What obstacles must be overcome to implement this model nationally, and the plans to do just that. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 14, 2014
A Radio Tour Of Meridian Health & Wellness
Saturday Jun 14, 2014
Saturday Jun 14, 2014
Dr. Prather unveils three new services at his office--the Healthy Habits natural weight loss program, decompression therapy, and the latest imaging technology. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why the health care model of Meridian and Wellness is unique by being an integrated office that covers everything from A to Z. --How the natural weight loss program has a success rate of approximately 90%! --Why your hormones determine what your weight will be (and how Dr. Prather works with patients to get their hormones in proper balance). --The all-natural injection of concentrated vitamins and minerals that helps burn fat and makes you feel more energetic through the taxing process of losing weight. --The body composition analysis to determine if you are drinking enough water and that you are losing fat, not muscle. --How the decompression therapy relieves joint pressure, reverses joint deterioration, and increases range of motion. (Especially helpful for disc herniation and degeneration.) --Why decompression therapy is a well-proven treatment to relive pain in the short-term and reverse degeneration associated with aging in the long-term. --The remarkable accuracy and clarity of the new imaging system Dr. Prather uses for his patients and how the quality of this latest technology beats that of major hospitals. --Why Dr. Prather's philosophy is a little different compared to most chiropractors, without the snapping and popping because he adjusts WITHIN the range of motion. --What new patients can expect when they visit Meridian Health & Wellness (and why the initial consultation and diagnostics to determine the underlying cause of the patient's health is so important). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Treat Heart Disease Without Drugs Or Surgery
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease, America's #1 killer. In this episode, you'll discover: --Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better. --How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS. --The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster". --The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects. --How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina. --Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries). --How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes. --The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50. --The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy. --Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new records. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 31, 2014
Benefits of Internal Exercises (Qigong)
Saturday May 31, 2014
Saturday May 31, 2014
Internal exercises help slow down the body, normalize breathing, and open up energy channels to nourish internal organs. In this episode, find out: --How internal exercises help recharge and renew your body, while external exercises deplete the body. (And why you need the right balance between both.) --Why internal exercises are considered "the older person's friend" and can benefit those who are too sick for external exercise. (And how the young can benefit, too!) --How internal exercises can help "gut" issues such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. --That there are specific prescribed internal exercises for particular conditions (such as thyroid, asthma, blood pressure, kidney, cancer, heart disease, concentration issues, female issues). --How internal exercises help give you more energy and increased performance in external exercise and athletics. --The connection between acupuncture and internal exercises. --The remarkable research on how approximately 80% of near-sighted children no longer need glasses after three months of internal exercises and how internal exercise produces better results for hypertension than prescription drugs. --How the zero impact internal exercises can benefit those who suffer from disability or limited mobility. --The greater relaxation you can expect to experience from doing internal exercises. --And hear from William Bunting of the Indiana Tai Chi Academy about the new Qigong class that will be offered Tuesday evenings at The Prather Wellness Center. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com