For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday May 24, 2014
Managing Diabetes Naturally
Saturday May 24, 2014
Saturday May 24, 2014
Diabetes causes a great deal of damage to the body, and 50% of those with Diabetes don't even realize they have it. In this episode, learn: --The three different types of diabetes (and why our current lifestyle is causing a huge increase in Type 2 Diabetes). --The annual tests you should have to stay on top of your health, and the symptoms of Diabetes you should be aware of. --Why children drinking large amounts of milk can be a precursor to Type 1 Diabetes. --The viral, autoimmune, and lifestyle causes of Diabetes. --How Type 2 Diabetes can be REVERSED (and why "less sugar, more fiber" is key). --Why carbohydrates and wheat should be avoided by Diabetics (and the stories of patients who reversed their Diabetes and lost weight by doing this). --The best exercise program to get your Diabetes under control and drop your blood sugar levels. --How Dr. Prather is able to help his Type 1 patients reduce insulin needed by 50% with nutritional changes and Type 2 patients to completely reverse their Diabetes, --The role of herbs (low calorie and high in nutrition) in managing Diabetes and which herbs work best in managing your blood sugar. --The vitamins and minerals that are helpful for Diabetes (and why Dr. Prather says he sees quicker changes with Minerals than anything else). --The strong effect on Diabetes from regular Chiropractic adjustments and Acupuncture. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 17, 2014
The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment
Saturday May 17, 2014
Saturday May 17, 2014
Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover: --How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body. --Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body. --Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others. --The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly. --Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis. --How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues. --How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem. --Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year. --The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100% improvement. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 10, 2014
The Benefits Of Diathermy
Saturday May 10, 2014
Saturday May 10, 2014
Diathermy is a large coiled magnet that produces a short-wave beam into the body to increase circulation and lymphatic flow in order to help the body heal itself. In this episode, find out: --Why Diathermy is safe, easy, and very effective. (And how it helps avoid damage to the immune system from repeated antibiotic usage.) --How it helps patients with lung issues such as Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Histoplasmosis (which is endemic to indianapolis). --How it helps patients with Arthritic joint pain and Bursitis. --Why it is called an "anti-congestion machine" to help with the detoxification and congestion in the body. --The effectiveness of Diathermy in providing IMMEDIATE relief for ear and sinus infections. (And why you should try Diathermy before you try Antibiotics). --The antibiotic, anti-virus, and anti-fungal affect of Diathermy to kill infections (Bladder, Prostatitis, Sinus, Ears, Lungs, and Kidney). --Why Diathermy is "essential" for all Vertigo patients, as well as Tinnitus patients. --How Diathermy resulted in patients scheduled for amputation having their surgeries cancelled. -How Diathermy helps patients with painful and numb feet from Raynaud's Disease and Diabetic Neuropathy. (And the effective combo treatment Dr. Prather uses for neuropathy that Oncologists refer their patients for.) www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday May 03, 2014
Auriculotherapy: The Keyboard To Your Brain
Saturday May 03, 2014
Saturday May 03, 2014
Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn: --Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do". --How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain. --Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world". --How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients. --The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment. --Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope. --The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear. --How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain. --How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs). --Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription drugs. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 26, 2014
The Best Cure For Cancer
Saturday Apr 26, 2014
Saturday Apr 26, 2014
Cancer is the #2 cause of death in America. And prevention is the best cure for cancer. In this episode, discover: --Why liver function is important in fighting cancer and how you can test it. --The importance of your body being properly oxygenated (and how oxygen kills cancer cells). --The impact of anemia on getting cancer and its impact on cancer survival rates. --How proper pH can cause cancer cells to explode! (And how minerals control pH.) --The five factors that must be present for cancer to exist. --Why proper blood-work is too often overlooked and why it is important in combating cancer. --The surprising percentage of all cancers that are caused by lifestyle. --The amazing story of how a colon removal surgery for a colon cancer patient was CANCELLED after the patient was treated by Dr. Prather for only three weeks. --How chiropractic care and acupuncture reduce complaints of patients undergoing cancer treatments by 80%. --The diet that Dr. Prather recommends for cancer patients and how it boosts your immune system. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 19, 2014
Iron: More Important Than You Think
Saturday Apr 19, 2014
Saturday Apr 19, 2014
Around 80% of women and 20% of men are shown to be low in iron. Everyone should have their iron checked at least once per year. In this episode, find out: --The amazing story about how an iron supplementation program helped a girls cross country team qualify for State, improve academic performance, and even be better behaved with their parents. --How eating ice or chewing on pencils can indicate low iron. And the connection between iron deficiency and pregnancy cravings (even a craving to eat dirt!). --Emotional and behavioral issues that result from low iron, and the connection between low iron and A.D.D. (especially in girls). --The symptoms of iron deficiency and how low iron is too often missed by medical professionals. --How iron levels in pregnant women impact the I.Q. of their child. --The foods that are highest in iron (and the food Dr. Prather recommends especially for vegetarians and vegans). --The particular iron level that MUST be checked...which most doctors don't bother to test. --Why Anemia IS a big deal and how it can reduce the length and quality of your life. --How iron toxicity is a very serious problem, especially among older men, and why it increases your chance of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a FALSE diabetes diagnosis. --The cases where iron toxicity was misdiagnosed as ALS or Parkinson's Disease. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 12, 2014
Saturday Apr 12, 2014
Saturday Apr 12, 2014
Acupuncture has been in existence for over 5,000 years. More people have probably been treated with Acupuncture than any other treatment. In this episode, you'll learn: --How almost all Acupuncture patients fall asleep during treatment. --Why Acupuncture needles are painless (rounded on the end, not sharp, and thin as a hair). --The non-needle Acupuncture options for those who are still afraid of needles (including powder, laser, and electrical options). --Why Acupuncture beats Cortizone shots for pain relief and treating inflammation. --The World Health Organization and National institutes of Health research that shows Acupuncture effective in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, abdominal issues, sinusitis, tinnitus, PMS, and headaches. --Hear from a patient who had "immediate relief" from Acupuncture for a sinus infection. --The 80% success rate Dr. Prather sees in patients dealing with infertility and the role of Acupuncture. --How Acupuncture can help students score better on exams (and why it works better than anti-anxiety drugs). --How Acupuncture can help with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke Recovery, and Cancer patients (including an 80% decrease in complaints from patients on chemotherapy and radiation). --Why Acupuncture is an effective treatment for addiction issues, including nicotine. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Apr 05, 2014
Allergies--Nothing to Sneeze At
Saturday Apr 05, 2014
Saturday Apr 05, 2014
It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover: --The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have). --The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies). --How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms. --The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief. --The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk). --Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient. --How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system). --The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies. --How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too). --How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause sinusitis. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 29, 2014
Poor Posture: What Your Mother Never Told You
Saturday Mar 29, 2014
Saturday Mar 29, 2014
Mom always told us to sit up straight. Poor posture can actually be the cause and the indicator of serious health issues. In this episode, find out: --How posture can determine disease and disease can determine posture (and why Dr. Prather says the connection between posture and health is "under-taught and under-utilized" in America's health care system). --How Dr. Prather can determine health problems just by looking at a patient's posture. --Which job will give you a 60% greater chance of colon cancer because of posture issues. --How you can improve lung function, high blood pressure, EKG readings, and IQ & cognitive ability (even reverse dementia) by changing the posture. --What is proper posture and why 60% of patients have poor posture that really impacts their health. --What Dr. Prather considers to have the "biggest effect on a person's health over anything else" and why 80% of his patients need this treatment in an area that controls all functions of the body. --Why the way children sit in schools actually PREVENTS learning (especially for boys). --How posture affects athletic performance (and the trait that 80% of sprinters--and only 20% of the population--have). --How the way you breathe impacts your posture. --The impact of posture in determining your biological age. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 22, 2014
3-22-20014: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Saturday Mar 22, 2014
Saturday Mar 22, 2014
Almost 5 million people suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In this episode, learn: --The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel. --How to diagnose Carpal Tunnel (and the common diagnostic error many doctors make). --The surprising underlying health causes of Carpal Tunnel (not just repetitive motion injuries). --Why so many surgeries fail to produce results. --How Dr. Prather has "NEVER", in almost 30 years of practice, has had to refer a patient for Carpal Tunnel surgery. --Why Dr. Prather says the most difficult Carpal Tunnel cases he sees are in patients who have already had Carpal Tunnel surgery. --The treatments for Carpal Tunnel (including the natural anti-inflammatories that work "better and quicker" than pharmaceuticals and without the side effects). --The reason why a neck adjustment can sometimes give immediate relief to Carpal Tunnel symptoms. --The treatment that patients want to put on their Christmas list! --The vitamin that Dr. Prather says is "THE most effective treatment for Carpal Tunnel", with the highest success rate of any treatment. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 15, 2014
3-15-2014: Feet Don't Fail Me Now!
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Over 75% of us will experience foot problems in our lives. It's no wonder, considering that our feet endure 5 TONS of pressure every year. In this episode, discover: --How your back, neck, or knee pain may be connected to problems in your feet. --How chiropractic care should be your first option in treating foot problems (such as Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Morton's Neuroma, Hallux Valgus (bunions), Shin Splints, & Iliotibial Band Syndrome). --The computerized analysis that can diagnose one of 45 abnormal motions in the feet. --The treatment that Dr. Prather days has "almost 100% results" in improving circulation and has even helped patients avoid amputation of toes and feet. --Why oncologists refer patients to Dr. Prather to help with the neuropathy that comes as a side-effect of chemotherapy. --How custom orthotics retrain and rehabilitate the function of feet. --The mineral that Dr Prather "has not had an exception" in eliminating foot odor. --How neuropathy and nutrition are linked. --Why women have more feet problems than men (and why flip-flops and baby shoes can harm feet). www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 08, 2014
3-8-2014: Homeopathic Medicine
Saturday Mar 08, 2014
Saturday Mar 08, 2014
This week, Dr. Prather uses his almost 30 years of being involved with Homeopathic Medicine to talk about its history and how it is a safe, effective option for your health. You'll learn: --How during the devestating 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, homeopathic hospitals had a death rate of around 10% while the medical hospitals had a death rate around 90%. --That modern medicine would not exist without homeopathy (nitroglycerin, vaccines, allergy shots, drug trials). --What is the Law of Similars that is the basis of homeopathy. --How the war on homeopathy by the American Medical Association led to the formation of the Food & Drug Administration. --How Dr. Prather uses Electro-Dermal Screening to determine which homeopathic medicine (out of 80,000 options) will work best for his patients. --Why homeopathy is the safest, least invasive treatment to start with for any ailment (and why it is especially safe for children and pregnant women who could be harmed by prescription drugs). --How homeopathy is effective when there aren't any medical options (drug-resistant infections, viruses, histoplasmosis). --The effectiveness of homeopathic medicine in avoiding overuse of antibiotics, and why Dr. Prather recommends it to help patients avoid being on more than 3 prescription drugs at once. --That homeopathy helps balance brain chemistry for emotional support as a non-drug solution in dealing with anxiety and depression. --Dr. Prather's "80-20” rule for your health care to help your body heal itself. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Mar 01, 2014
3-1-2014: Trigger Points--Undiagnosed Pain
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Trigger Points are a common problem of pain that too often goes undiagnosed. In this eye-opening episode, discover: --How you can have referred pain due to a Trigger Point far away from the pain. --That Tigger Points can be the cause of severe, unexplained pain such as headaches, jaw pain, chest pain, eye pain, foot pain, tooth pain, and sciatica. --Why Trigger Points can be confusing for doctors and are undiagnosed. --The historical connection between Trigger Point research and the physical therapist who helped JFK with his severe back pain. --How Trigger Points are found and effectively treated in patients who have been put on high levels of pain medications, anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants due to the previously undiagnosed cause of their pain. --Why insurance companies love Trigger Point Therapy. (Hint: Compare unnecessary surgery costs versus the 8 visits in which patients receive full relief through Trigger Point Therapy.) --How stress kicks off Trigger Points and how Trigger Points affect your posture and breathing. --What to expect from Trigger Point therapy. --Why it is important to "rewire" the brain to change muscle memory and retrain the body after suffering from Trigger Points. --How everyone with TMJ has Trigger Points. Learn more at www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 22, 2014
2-22-2014: ECP Therapy--Put The Pulse Back In Your Life
Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Heart Disease is the #1 killer in America. This week's episode focuses on what Dr. Prather considers to be the #1 treatment for cardiovascular disease--External CounterPulsation Therapy (or ECP). You'll learn: --How ECP Therapy works to provide your heart with the same benefit of 5 years of marathon training. --Who should have ECP Therapy and how it impacts angina, congestive heart failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and arrhythmias. --The inspiring story of a patient who went from over 90% blockage in her arteries to 100% clear in just seven weeks! --Why collateral circulation can save you from strokes and heart attacks (and how ECP Therapy opens up new circulation pathways). --How ECP Therapy improves circulation to benefit erectile dysfunction, hypertension, and kidney disease. --The impact of ECP Therapy on athletic performance and why Olympic and professional athletes use it as a part of their training regimen. --Oxygenation is the key to staying young and fighting aging. How ECP Therapy improves oxygenation to the cells more than any other treatment. --The shocking conversation with a cardiologist that motivated Dr. Prather to start offering ECP Therapy for his patients. --The safe, non-invasive, and proven track record of ECP Therapy. --What to expect during ECP Therapy. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 15, 2014
2-15-2014: Sexual Health
Saturday Feb 15, 2014
Saturday Feb 15, 2014
In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll learn: --How often is considered a healthy libido? --Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system. --The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!) --Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system. --How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health. --How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health). --The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.) --The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.) --The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves fertility. --BONUS Wellness Tip Segment about how you can get a complete heart evaluation this month for just $85, and the tests included in that evaluation. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com