For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Feb 08, 2014
2-8-2014: Thyroid--The Key To Your Metabolism
Saturday Feb 08, 2014
Saturday Feb 08, 2014
The Voice of Health series on weight loss continues with a focus on how the thyroid is the key to your metabolism, which is how quickly you burn calories. In this episode, discover: --Why Dr. Prather believes it is a "waste of time" to try and lose weight if your thyroid is not working properly. --The high number of patients that have thyroid problems in Dr. Prather's clinical experience, and why Indiana is one of the unhealthiest thyroid states. --How the thyroid is actually the key to staying young. --The reason why thyroid prescription medications can sometimes result in your thyroid still not working properly (and the holistic approach Dr. Prather takes with his patients with over 40 different medicine options for an individual treatment approach.) --How Dr. Prather is able to correctly diagnose thyroid issues in patients whose doctors have told them they do not have a thyroid problem. --The impact of your diet on the thyroid, and why certain weight loss programs will prevent you from losing weight because they cause thyroid problems. --The connection between behavioral problems (ADD, ADHD) in children and thyroid dysfunction. --Dr. Prather's own personal story about how a specific chiropractic adjustment (Atlas Orthogonal) helped get his Graves' Disease under control. --The positive results from acupuncture to improve results in thyroid patients. --Everyone should have a thyroid check annually--even children. Learn more at www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Feb 01, 2014
2-1-2014: Exercise and Weight Loss
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
This week, Dr. Prather and Lisa Prather continue their series on weight loss by welcoming Certified Athletic Trainer Jon Prather (also their son!) to talk about how exercise helps you gain muscle and lose fat. In this episode, learn: --How much time you need to exercise every week to benefit. --The importance of proper training and guidance for your workout to be effective. --"Ego Lifting" and its danger. --The test that reveals the key radio of muscle to fat. --The "Mind-Muscle Connection". --The right number of "reps" in exercise. --The trick that works your abs during cardio exercise. --The target heart rate for optimal weight loss. --The inspiring story about how exercise helped empty beds in a nursing home. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 25, 2014
1-25-2014: Take The "DIE" Out of Diet
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
As people go on diets, they often become more unhealthy. As people become more unhealthy, they gain weight. That's why studies show those on diets actually tend to gain more weight than those who are not on diets. In this episode, discover: --The best way to measure weight (and it is NOT your scale). --Why Dr. Prather does not recommend low-calorie diets to his patients. --The health issues created by low-fat diets, and why ADDING certain types of fatty acids can help you LOSE weight. --The danger of low-protein/high-carbohydrate and high-protein/low-carbohydrate diets. --The 4 BALANCED diets Dr. Prather recommends that make you healthier and get you better results. --What Dr. Prather calls the "guaranteed" way to lose weight (and why our ancestors had a 4 times higher intake of this essential item). --The "Royal Court' trick to a healthy diet. --The test that reveals what you should eat to achieve your normal weight and results in a 100% success rate. --The shocking, man-made reason why gluten sensitivity is higher today. --The importance of evaluating the health of your gut. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Jan 18, 2014
1-18-2014: Obesity--A National Trend
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
The statistics are staggering for the increasing obesity rates in America. Dr. Prather describes it as "a national trend". In this episode, find out: --The Body Composition Analysis test that is given to every new patient at The Prather Wellness Center. --The definition of "skinny fat" and why it is a health problem. --Why calorie intake has not increased, but the obesity rate has. --The food preparation change in society that contributed to obesity. --The diseases associated with obesity (and how much obesity costs the USA). --The connection between stress and obesity. --Why the 85% of people who diet on their own--without someone to monitor their lab tests--fail to achieve their goals. --How The Prather Wellness Center gets weight loss results for their patients. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Sunday Jan 05, 2014
1-4-2014: How To Live Younger
Sunday Jan 05, 2014
Sunday Jan 05, 2014
This week, The Voice of Health Radio teaches you "How To Live Younger". As Dr. Prather says, "With the advancing of years, you can actually turn back the clock." In this episode, find out: --The difference between chronological age and biological age. --How The Prather Wellness Center measures biological age. --The technique Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of a patient's biological age. --How the Disease Care and Structure/Function health care models affect longevity. --The biggest barrier to longevity in our health care system. (And the first place patients should always go.) --The system in your body that must be checked before starting any weight-loss program, its link to the majority of depression cases, and how it is key to preventing cancers. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 21, 2013
12-21-2013: Holiday Stress
Saturday Dec 21, 2013
Saturday Dec 21, 2013
Let's face it, holidays are not only a time of joy, but also a time for additional stress. In this fun and inspiring episode, The Voice of Health teaches you how to combat holiday stress. You'll learn: --The surprising percentage of disease that has an underlying cause of stress, according to the Center for Disease Control. --How men and women react differently to stress. --The Stress Quiz: Do you have these physical signs of stress? --Treatments for stress (and what Dr. Prather calls his "tension evaluation points". --Natural products to combat stress. And what role diet plays in stress, particularly holiday foods. --The personal trait that reduces stress and even adds seven years (and more happiness) to your life. --Why Dr. Prather has to teach people how to breathe. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 14, 2013
12-14-2013: Listener Questions
Saturday Dec 14, 2013
Saturday Dec 14, 2013
This week, Dr. Prather answers listener questions. --What is Structure/Function health care? --When will I be well? --What are the dangers of the Paleo Diet? --Isn't low cholesterol beneficial? --What about cleanses? --Is diet soda good? --How do we deal with stress? --How does acupuncture work? --How much sleep do we need? www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Dec 07, 2013
12-7-2013: Influenza
Saturday Dec 07, 2013
Saturday Dec 07, 2013
This week, Dr. Prather talks about influenza. You'll learn: --Which months comprise flu season (and the two months that are the worst for Indiana). --How flu vaccinations can cause harm and when you should always delay taking a flu vaccine. --The Prather Wellness Center treatments for the flu, including the most effective herbals and vitamins. --In the 1918 Spanish flu, 10% of the world's population died. In America, a particular kind of hospital only had a death rate of 10%, while medical hospitals had a death rate of 90%. Find out how this treatment can help you today. --How good diagnostics help you to keep your immune system up. www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Nov 23, 2013
11-23-2013: Kidney Stones
Saturday Nov 23, 2013
Saturday Nov 23, 2013
It's been said that kidney stones can be even more painful as childbirth. It's the cause of 1 million visits every year to the emergency room. 10% of men and 4% of women deal with this painful issue--and the numbers are increasing. In this episode, you'll learn: --The link between dehydration and kidney stones. --The imbalances in the body that lead to kidney stones, and which diagnostics you should have to determine the root cause. --The mineral that you must detoxify from your body FIRST before chronic kidney stone sufferers can find any relief. --Which salt can reduce your chances of kidney stones. --The Structure/Function approach of The Prather Wellness Center in treating kidney stones. --The surprising history behind Coca-Cola and the treatment of kidney stones (and how it is still helpful). --The dietary changes you should make. --Which HEALTHY foods you should AVOID if you have kidney stones. --How kidney stones can damage your kidneys long-term.

Saturday Nov 23, 2013
11-30-2013: Diabetes
Saturday Nov 23, 2013
Saturday Nov 23, 2013
26 million Americans (including 7 million undiagnosed) suffer from Diabetes, while 79 million Americans are Pre-Diabetic. In this episode, learn: --Why Type 2 Diabetes is a "lifestyle issue". --Which diseases diabetics are more likely to develop. --The connection between Type 1 Diabetes and cow's milk. --How the nutritional approach of The Prather Wellness Center successfully diagnoses nutritional deficiencies and can help patients reduce their medications. --The herbals and homeopathics that help diabetics. --How chiropractic and acupuncture increase results for diabetic patients. --Diagnostics you should have done annually. --The relationship between the gut and diabetes, including fiber's role and how food allergies make an impact.

Saturday Nov 16, 2013
11-16-2013: The Non-Invasive Approach To Heart Disease
Saturday Nov 16, 2013
Saturday Nov 16, 2013
This week's edition of The Voice of Health is about "The Non-Invasive Approach To Heart Disease". You'll learn: --How External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy replicates the benefits of five years of marathon training for the heart in just seven weeks. --How patients can avoid heart surgery by trying this effective, safe, and non-invasive approach first. --Why ECP Therapy is really the only treatment for congestive heart failure. --Why patients have called ECP Therapy "the sex machine" because of its benefits in treating erectile dysfunction. And how ECP Therapy benefits Dementia and Diabetes because of the increased oxygenation. --How this technology has been used by Olympic athletes to break records. --Plus, a special bonus segment with Dr. Joel Wallach, author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie", on his approach to diabetes. Learn more at www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Saturday Nov 09, 2013
11-9-2013: A Radio Tour Of The Prather Wellness Center
Saturday Nov 09, 2013
Saturday Nov 09, 2013
In this episode, take a radio tour of The Prather Wellness Center and Meridian Health & Wellness. Learn... --How the Structure/Function health model differs from the Disease care model (and how to properly integrate them). --The health care model that research has shown to increase the state of the patient's well-being, while cutting costs by 40% and medical lawsuits by 80%. (And why Dr. Prather believes this is the solution to our health care crisis.) --The importance of proper diagnostics. --What to expect at your first appointment. --The various treatments available at The Prather Wellness Center and Meridian Health & Wellness that makes it the most comprehensive wellness center in the Midwest. Learn more at www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com

Thursday Nov 07, 2013

Tuesday Nov 05, 2013

Tuesday Nov 05, 2013