For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Who should have the final say on your health? You, the government, or your doctor? In this episode, we talk about:
—How the World Health Organization reports that this is the first week the number of COVID-19 cases DECREASED.
—Why the World Health Organization recommends that those under the age of 18 should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19.
—What's happening in Britain and Israel where they have high vaccination rates, but also have the highest COVID rates they've ever had.
—The "totalitarian" government that has emerged in Australia with their COVID-19 response.
—The story of The Voice Of Health Radio Podcast was CENSORED last week and how you can listen to "the banned episode".
—How doctors are being overruled by the government, censored, and have even lost their licenses for expressing their opinions on vaccinations.
—How the American Psychological Association has proposed labeling those who refuse to get vaccinated as mentally ill and unable to make their own health decisions.
—The importance of patient choices and options in the Integrated Health Care model Dr. Prather practices in his office.
—What you can do to preserve your health freedoms.
—Plus, you'll hear about the new Weight Loss Support package from Holistic Integration.

Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Blue Zones are 5 areas of the world that have a large number of people living active lives over the age of 100. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the lessons we can learn from those places and how we can achieve healthy longevity in our own lives. In this episode, you'll find out:
—How Israel has one of the highest rates of vaccinations…and one of the highest rates of COVID infections. And how Israel is already preparing for a FOURTH vaccine shot.
—The 13 times greater protection offered from natural immunity than from the vaccinations.
—The update on the latest Mu variant of COVID-19, which is now in all 50 states and may be vaccine-resistant.
—Whether vaccine passports are inevitable and will lead to totalitarianism.
—The 5 pockets of the world with large populations of people living to over the age of 100. And the area that is found right here in the United States.
—Why being happy, active, and stress-free is important for longevity. And why pain does not have to go along with the aging process.
—How pharmaceuticals are rare among those in the Blue Zones. And why Structure-Function Care is key for healthy longevity.
—How Dr. Prather often shocks people with the results of their lab tests who were unaware of the bad state their health. And why proper diagnostics are important so that we know exactly where we are at in our health.
—Why proper exercise for longevity is not as intense as most people think, but consistent and moderate. And the surprising average age of death for extreme athletes like marathon runners.
—The importance of calorie reduction as we age with diets rich in nutrients, fiber, and nuts. And how 4-of-5 Blue Zones featured daily moderate alcohol consumption.

Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
We are in the middle of stressful times, where everyone is under stress to the point Dr. Prather can see it in the bloodwork of his patients. This week, Dr. Prather offers heartfelt advice on how to manage the stress we are all facing. In this episode, you'll discover:
—How the Pfizer vaccine just approved by the FDA is the fastest approval ever granted by the FDA, with no formal hearing for the first time.
—Why the FDA-approved vaccine is not yet available…because it has not yet been made.
—The shocking fact that the list of the vaccine's ingredients are only released after FDA approval because the ingredients were kept secret under the Emergency Use Act. And the surprising revelation that each batch of the vaccine has been different.
—The latest data from the government's own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System) database regarding injuries and deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines, which is more than all other vaccines combined in the past 30 years.
—How young men seem to be most at risk for Myocarditis and Pericarditis as side-effects from the COVID-19 vaccines.
—The vaccine brand that produces the most antibodies with better results in preventing the breakthrough infections and seems to be the longest-lasting.
—How HEALTH CARE WORKERS are one of the biggest groups who are hesitant to get the vaccine.
—The reason that Montana is receiving a large number of applications from Nurses and Doctors across the country.
—Why Joe Biden's claim that COVID is a "disease of the unvaccinated" is not true according to the data coming out of Britain and Israel.
—Plus, hear Dr. Prather's first comments about the launch of Holistic Integration's own supplement line, Stasis Supplements.

Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
We kick off the show, as we have for a while now, with the latest COVID-19 update. Then, Dr. Prather teaches how you can build up your own immune system to better protect yourself. In this episode, you'll learn:
—Why the FDA's approval this week of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will likely lead to more mandates and requirements to get the vaccine.
—How only 1-in-1.7 million children are at risk of dying from COVID-19, but 1-in-9 children are having an adverse event associated with the vaccine.
—The good news out of Israel regarding a new medication that results in 90% of severely-ill patients getting out of the hospital within 5 days.
—Why building up your own resistance can also help protect others, too.
—The lab tests Dr. Prather uses to measure a patient's immune system. And the difference between reading lab work from a Disease Care perspective versus a Structure-Function perspective.
—How a higher "phase angle" (the electromagnetic charge around the cell) makes you more resistant to the virus than a lower phase angle.
—The most important nutritional aspect for fighting the COVID-19 virus. And the vitamin that can cut down negative COVID-19 outcomes by 85%.
—The importance of proper lab tests so that you can know exactly what vitamins and minerals you need.
—The vitamin that is known as the defense mechanism for the lungs. And the best and safest way to take it to keep respiratory infections under control.
—Why Dr. Prather says that Iodine is just as important as Vitamin D for immune health.

Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
The Lymph System is the unsung hero of the body, but few of us know much about it. In this episode, you'll find out:
--How it was just recently discovered that the Lymph System goes to the brain (after years of medical schools teaching otherwise).
--That the Lymph System will back up if we don't have enough movement in our bodies to "pump" it. And why waking up with aches and pains is a sign of your Lymph System backing up.
--How all autoimmune diseases start with the Lymph System. And how Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease of the Lymphatic System.
--The giant lymph nodes of tonsils, adenoids, and the appendix. And why you have a greater chance of colon cancer and colon infections if your appendix is removed.
--Why Dr. Prather checks the spleen for soreness to indicate the presence of a virus. And how the spleen will hold the Epstein-Barr virus to combat it.
--The role the Lymph System plays in balancing fluid in our bodies and the problems that can occur such as Lymphedema and Lymphadenopathy.
--The connection between breast cancer and the Lymph System. And why Dr. Prather is adamantly opposed to underwire bras.
--Why Dr. Prather says you "cannot really treat cancer if you are not looking at the Lymphatic System".
--The breeding ground of infections (and cancer cells) that occurs when the Lymph System is backed up.
--The Structure-Function treatments for the Lymphatic System including: supplements, specific Lymphatic Chiropractic adjustments, specialized Lymphatic massage, Lymphatic exercises to "pump" the system", Diathermy, and lasers.

Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Dr. Prather opens with a COVID-19 update about how people have doubts about what they are being told by the government about COVID-19. Then, he talks about how we can reduce our chance of getting Cancer by up to 70%. In this episode, you'll discover:
—How a new lawsuit from a group of doctors is challenging the accuracy of the data about COVID-19 released by the CDC.
—Why the latest numbers out of Israel show the vaccination immunity wears off in a matter of months.
—The results of Sweden's approach to COVID-19, which had no lockdowns, no mask mandates, and a low vaccination rate.
—The number one thing you should do to avoid Cancer.
—Why obesity is a major contributor to at least seven different types of Cancer (as well as Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and COVID-19 risk). And why Fiber is so important for weight loss and longevity.
—How the FDA gives more problem to those trying to improve the diet than the food manufacturers who are producing processed foods that actually remove Fiber in place of substances that make us eat more.
—The role of Free Radicals in the development of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. And how Dr. Prather sees Cholesterol levels go down as Free Radical levels go down in the body.
—How alcohol contributes to Cancer.
—Why Heavy Metals (Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Nickel) should be evaluated for Cancer prevention. And how Hair Analysis is one of the best ways to measure that.
—The importance of exercise, sleep, and proper life balance in getting healthier and avoiding Cancer.

Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Dr. Prather opens with a COVID-19 update. Then, he talks about how Aerobic Exercise and External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy are the treatments that benefit every patient with all types of Cardiovascular Disease. In this episode, you'll learn:
—The new law in New Hampshire preventing anyone from being discriminated against for not taking the COVID vaccine. And the mind-blowing way the government categorizes those who have had both vaccine shots as "unvaccinated".
—Why Dr. Prather says what we are seeing in the response to COVID-19 is not science, but a religion.
—How one of the developers of the mRNA vaccines has even been censored for raising questions about the vaccines.
—The amount of Aerobic Exercise each person needs to prevent or reverse Cardiovascular Disease. (And why everyone reading this probably does not measure up!)
—Why ECP Therapy was designed by Harvard decades ago to do Aerobic Exercise for patients who can't even walk across the room without losing their breath. Plus, how long-distance runners are using ECP to help them set new records.
—How Dr. Prather called the FDA to ask if it would be OK to offer ECP Therapy in his office and was actually encouraged by them to do this therapy in his office.
—The "amazing" safety record of ECP Therapy that has NEVER had a single injury reported in decades of use.
—The screening Dr. Prather does on patients prior to ECP Therapy for potential contraindications to ensure patient safety.
—Why Cardiologists refer for ECP Therapy after everything else has been tried. And why everyone who has been referred to Dr. Prather for it lived.
—How ECP Therapy benefits Angina, Congestive Heart Failure, Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, Kidney Disease, Restless Leg Syndrome, Diabetes, Cognitive Brain Function, and Erectile Dysfunction.

Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about the door-to-door vaccination visits from the Biden Administration. Then, Dr. Prather announces the launch of Holistic Heart, the new division of his office focused on Cardiovascular Health. In this episode, we talk about:
—How door-to-door visits have started asking people if they have received a COVID-19 vaccine and offering the vaccination on the spot.
—The infringement on our Health Care Freedom this presents and where this can lead if the government is in charge of our health care decisions.
—Why the latest numbers from Israel and Britain show that vaccinated people are hospitalized and dying from COVID-19 at the SAME rates as the unvaccinated.
—The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes.
—The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do.
—The shocking National Institutes or Health study that shows stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes.
—The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks. And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office.
—How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack.
—Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire.
—Why Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib). Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack.

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update on how the variant now predominant in Indiana differs in symptoms from previous strains of the virus. Then, we talk about how Prostate Cancer is the #1 Cancer in males and almost all men over the age of 80 will develop it. In this episode, find out:
—How the Delta variant is now the predominant version of COVID-19 in Indiana and has different symptoms than the prior strains of the virus.
—Why the vaccines are not as effective on the Delta variant and "don't work at all" on the new Lambda variant. And why Dr. Prather says actually having the COVID-19 virus itself is "absolutely the best protection you can have".
—The reason Dr. Prather changed his original optimism on the effectiveness of the vaccines after reviewing the latest statistics from Britain and Israel, which show "no difference" in hospitalization and death rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
—Why low Testosterone is the leading cause of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). And why having BPH makes it more likely that you'll develop Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer.
—How the military has measured men's Testosterone levels since World War I and has seen a consistent reduction in those levels over the decades.
—Why Estrogen dominance is "one of the terrible things" to occur in men. And why we're essentially poisoning ourselves with the chemicals we're using.
—How Dr. Prather sees low Testosterone levels in "probably about 90%" of patients and is surprisingly seeing lower levels more commonly in younger men than in older men.
—The impact of marijuana, "screen time", and pornography on men's Testosterone levels.
—The two "extremely important" minerals and the four major herbals for the Prostate. Plus, why you will "automatically have low Testosterone" if you are on a Cholesterol-lowering drug...which increases your chance of developing Prostate Cancer.
—The effectiveness of Acupuncture in providing "immediate relief" from Prostatitis and the surprising location of the needles. (No, not there!)

Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
On this very special edition of The Voice Of Health, Holistic Integration's Associate Chiropractor Dr. Clinton Dodge shares his inspiring story about overcoming Traumatic Brain Injury. In this episode, you'll discover:
—The difference between an acquired brain injury and a traumatic brain injury.
—The "staggering" number of Americans who sustain traumatic brain injuries every year, including the number who suffer from permanent disabilities.
—How a Traumatic Brain Injury affects the entire body.
—The 3 different categories of changes that can come from a Traumatic Brain Injury.
—How Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are often linked.
—Why it is important for a Traumatic Brain Injury patient to set up "compensations" to help them deal with their injuries in daily life.
—Why Dr. Dodge says is a MYTH that "the longer you wait to treat a brain injury, the less likely you'll have a positive outcome".
—How imaging such as a CT Scan or MRI coming back as normal does NOT rule out a Traumatic Brain Injury.
—The important treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury: Neuropsychologist Testing, Nutritional Supplementation, Proper Imaging, Chiropractic Adjustments, Occupational Therapy, Acupuncture, and Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupuncture).
—Why it's important to be aware of the potential of Traumatic Brain Injury in children and to get things checked out when you notice behavioral or physical changes.

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Dr. Prather begins the show with a COVID-19 update that reveals the BIGGEST risk factor for the virus that no one is talking about. Then, our show focuses on the source of 80% of all disease—the gut. In this episode, you'll learn:
—How there is "very little risk" of the virus for those under the age of 50.
—The two risk factors that lead to COVID-19 hospitalization: age and obesity. And why Dr. Prather calls the data "very startling" that connects obesity to higher COVID-19 risk, especially among young people.
—Why there have likely been more deaths from the lockdowns than from the COVID-19 virus. And who is at more risk from the vaccination than from the virus.
—The fascinating difference in bacteria throughout each area of the digestive system and why it is important to have the right bacteria in each area for optimal health.
—The symptoms of SIBO: bloating, abdominal distention, pain, discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and weakness.
—How "everyone" who has a hypothyroid has SIBO. And the many causes of SIBO, including: prescription drugs, endocrine balance, surgeries, and gallbladder issues.
—Why Dr. Prather includes a stool kit as one of his standard lab tests on patients, at least on an annual basis.
—The difference between SIBO and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). And how one can lead to the other.
—How antibiotics are the normal course of treatment for SIBO, but the SIBO will come right back "100% of the time". And how the Structure-Function Care that Dr. Prather practices is "the only way" to successfully treat SIBO.
—Why fiber supplementation, probiotics, and probiotics are essential for treating SIBO. And why gut health is important to analyze from babies with colic to elderly people with dementia.

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
This week, we're joined by Leah Wilson of Stand For Health Freedom to talk about what you can do to defend your family against health mandates that violate your conscience. And Dr. Prather talks about the increasing reports of heart damage being seen in young people after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In this episode, we talk about:
—The heartbreaking story of Simone Scott, a 19-year-old freshman at Northwestern University, who died of a heart problem one month after taking the second dose of the Moderna Vaccine.
—How the CDC convened an emergency meeting about young people being affected by heart damage following their COVID-19 shots.
—Which COVID-19 vaccines have the issues regarding heart inflammation. (Spoiler alert: All of them.)
—Why Dr. Prather says he wishes they would reduce the COVID-19 vaccine dose in young people by HALF for both safety reasons and for better results.
—How COVID-19 itself can cause heart inflammation, which Dr. Prather has treated in his office. And whether young people face the higher risk of heart inflammation from the virus itself or from the vaccine.
—How a warning label has now officially been added to COVID-19 vaccines about the potential of heart damage in young people. And why that obligates physicians to report any adverse effects of vaccines to the VAERS database on vaccine harm.
—The three different types of heart inflammation, each with a different set of symptoms and a different set of treatments.
—Why Dr. Prather recommends blood tests and an EKG following the COVID-19 vaccination.
—And we're joined by our special guest Leah Wilson, Executive Director of Stand For Health Freedom to talk about how you can have a voice on issues such as mask and vaccine mandates.
—The resources and tools offered by Stand For Health Freedom to let your voice be heard and to engage your lawmakers on the health freedom issues you care about.

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Experts predict that the summer of 2021 will be a "Tick Bomb". So this week, Dr. Prather talks about Tick-borne Diseases, such as Lyme Disease and Rickettsia. In this episode, you'll discover:
--Why it is hard to diagnose tick-borne disease, frustrating both patients and doctors as it mimics other diseases. And why doctors often roll their eyes when they hear the term Lyme Disease and the controversy over testing for it.
--How tickborne disease can lead to an autoimmune disease. And how Lupus patients are often misdiagnosed when they really have an infection.
--How immune-suppressing drugs are often given that make the problem MUCH worse.
--That Rickettsia infection is far more common in Indiana than Lyme Disease and that they have to be treated differently. And how most patients who say that they have Lyme Disease actually have something else.
--Why dog owners are at a higher risk for such diseases. And why you should not allow your dog to sleep on your bed.
--How Homeopathy can make a huge difference for patients who have exhausted every antibiotic known to man.
--How getting the gut working properly is the key to rebuilding a person's immune system.
--Why Dr. Prather says no one is better at determining how to battle an infection than the body itself...IF it's given the opportunity to do so.
--Why thorough blood tests and a G.I. Effects stool kit are important to effectively battle these kinds of diseases.
—Plus, you'll hear the inspiring story of Susan, a patient at Holistic Integration, and why she says that LOVE is what differentiates Holistic Integration from other health care options.

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
COVID-19 Long Haulers are patients who continue to have symptoms past 4-6 weeks. Dr. Prather says that using a Structure-Function approach to their care has been "100% successful". In this episode, you'll discover:
—How even those with mild cases of COVID-19 are showing up with Long Hauler symptoms.
—How COVID-19 Long Haulers are mostly young women between the ages of 15 and 45.
—The connection between COVID-19 Long Haulers and patients who previously had Auto-Immune Disease and Epstein-Barr Virus.
—The symptoms of COVID-19 Long Haulers, including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (formerly Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Fatigue, and being sore all over.
—The Medical treatments being given for COVID-19 Long Haulers, including anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, and Beta Blockers. And why the CDC says that this approach is not working.
—Why Dr. Prather tells COVID-19 Long Haulers to avoid being near their smart phone, computer activity, and all Electro-Magnetic energy.
—How the lab tests in these patients actually look good, except on one special test that most physicians do not run (but Dr. Prather does).
—Why Dr. Prather calls Acupuncture "the key" for the treatment of these patients.
—The spinal change pattern associated with COVID-19 Long Haulers that has been identified by the CDC and "consistently" observed in patients coming into Dr. Prather's office.
—Why Homeopathy is "especially helpful" for COVID-19 Long Haulers to see "immediate changes".

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Dr. Prather opens the show with a bombshell COVID-19 update about the evidence showing the true origins of the virus. Then, he talks about how there is hope for Dementia, which affects about 10% of those over the age of 65 and at least 50% of those over the age of 85. In this episode, you'll learn:
--The difference between dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.
--How Alzheimer's Disease is increasing and is now the sixth-leading cause of death in America.
--The risk factors for dementia, such as: family history, drugs use (both pharmaceutical and recreational), alcohol use, smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition, and cardiovascular disease.
--Why medications are often a cause of dementia symptoms, especially cholesterol medications.
--How the Structure-Function approach to Health Care focuses on getting the body into homeostasis and should be 80% of our health care. Plus, how Structure-Function Care is more reliant on diagnostics than Disease Care.
--Why Dr. Prather says dementia symptoms are usually a multi-faceted process and not just a singular cause.
--The importance of Hair Analysis to discover heavy metal toxicities in dementia patients.
--The connection between hormones and dementia. And the relationship between inflammation in the body and dementia symptoms.
--Why Chiropractic can produce "great results" for dementia patients and can make a person's thinking clearer.
--How Acupuncture has been found by the World Health Organization to help with Alzheimer's Disease and dementia. And the connection between depression and dementia.