For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Dr. Prather always says that Fiber is the #1 supplement he recommends, but Iodine is the #1 supplement sold by his office. But first, he provides a COVID-19 update about why we need to be asking some key questions about the origins of the virus and what the science shows about the vaccinations. In this episode, we talk about:
—How the CDC is now investigating young people being affected by heart inflammation (Myocarditis) after their COVID-19 vaccination.
—That young people have the least problems with the actual COVID-19 virus, but the most problems with vaccine side-effects. And why colleges and universities requiring COVID-19 vaccines might not be the best idea.
—How Dr. Prather used Iodine to help with swelling of his gums for an infected tooth.
—Why Dr. Prather added Iodine to his Prather Profile Blood Analysis. And how Dr. Prather finds his patients need Iodine 80% of the time.
—The reasons why Indiana is deficient in Iodine and is known as the Goiter Capital.
—The history behind Iodized Salt and the beginning of modern Western Medicine.
—How Iodine used to be the #1 prescribed medicine in the United States and Europe..until the pharmaceutical companies started discouraging its use in the 1960's.
—The reason Dr. Prather says that Iodine is "THE answer" for the Thyroid to get better and there is "no way" the Thyroid can get better without proper levels of Iodine going to it. And why Thyroid medicine will actually deplete Iodine levels in the body.
—Why Dr. Prather says that women on Iodine supplements will have "younger breasts". And the role Iodine plays in breast development and breast disease, including Fibrocystic Breast Disease and Breast Cancer.
—How Dr. Prather says "probably 80%" of all infertility problems can be taken care of with Zinc and Iodine. Plus, how Iodine helps eliminate hot flashes during menopause and is "absolutely critical" for the immune system.
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Dr. Prather updates us on the news about when Indianapolis and Marion County will end the mask mandate. Then, Holistic Integration's own Functional Health Coach Keira joins us to talk about how Herbals can benefit your health. In this episode, you'll find out:
—When the mask mandate will be lifted for Indianapolis and Marion County.
—The percentage of people who are "vaccine hesitant". And how the Military and the state of Indiana rate in this category.
—The contradictory and confusing messages coming from Dr. Fauci and the CDC on the science behind wearing masks.
—Why Dr. Prather is concerned about pregnant women getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
—The difference between folk medicine that uses Herbs and the clinically-based, scientific approach to Herbalism practiced at Holistic Integration.
—How the Western Herbal Medicine is different from Chinese Herbal Medicine and Ayurveda. And the impact of Native American knowledge and practices on modern-day Western Herbal Medicine.
—The influence of Herbs on modern-day pharmaceuticals. And how the development of Aspirin was derived from Willow Bark.
—The Herbs that are most beneficial for anti-aging. And how anti-aging should be focused on from an internal perspective, not just a focus on the skin.
—Why it is important to have an Herbal expert and proper lab testing guide you on which Herbal remedies you should be taking. And why you shouldn’t just take something you've ordered off of the Internet or picked up in a health food store.
—The Herbs that are most helpful for helping to counteract the effects of Stress on our bodies.
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
This week, we talk about Arthritis Awareness Month. But first, Dr. Prather updates us on how the COVID-19 vaccines are working in terms of effectiveness (which is "hard to refute") and safety (which is the big question right now). In this episode, you'll discover:
—Why the latest numbers found in official government databases on the issues reported with the vaccines are "pretty alarming".
—How the problems from the COVID-19 vaccines are in greater number than ALL vaccination issues reported in the past 30+ years combined.
—The blood-clot issues resulting from the vaccine, especially in younger people and women of child-bearing age.
—How 52 million adults and 300,000 children are diagnosed with Arthritis. And how 80% of everyone over the age of 55 will show Osteoarthritis in their spine.
—Why Osteoarthritis in young people is becoming very common now, when it used to be extremely rare.
—The role genetics plays in Arthritis and how Dr. Prather can see the same patterns in members of the same family.
—How the physiological changes that come with obesity contribute to the development of Arthritis. And how Dr. Prather sees "really excellent results" in Arthritis just by getting the fat percentage down in patients.
—The big difference proper nutritional supplementation and lowering inflammation has on reducing Arthritis pain in patients, with clinical studies showing that herbals work better than almost all over-the-counter medications without the side-effects.
—The great deal of benefit of Chiropractic care for Osteoarthritis, even helping patients to postpone knee replacement surgeries for years. And the help diet changes can make in reducing severe Arthritis pain.
—Why Dr. Prather says "everyone who has Arthritis should be looking at Acupuncture" and that Homeopathy "can make the biggest difference".
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
This week, we focus on National Neuropathy Awareness Week, which affects more than 30 million Americans. But first, Dr. Prather updates on the latest COVID-19 numbers in Indiana. In this episode, you'll learn:
—How Indiana is doing "quite well" in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. And the percentage of Hoosiers testing positive for the new COVID-19 variants from the U.K., South Africa, and Brazil.
—Indiana's rank in the percentage of people who have already received their COVID-19 vaccination.
—Why Dr. Prather says it is a legitimate argument that we would be over COVID-19 by now had more people been allowed to be infected with the original strain and build an immunity to it.
—How Neuropathy and Neuralgia are actually under-diagnosed. And how Dr. Prather is able to catch it early (and reverse it) in his patients through circulatory and nerve testing.
—That 70% of all Diabetics, 40% of those who have had Chemotherapy , and 30% of HIV patients have Neuropathy.
—The risk of amputation from Neuropathy. And how Dr. Prather has a high success rate in helping patients cancel their amputation surgeries.
—How Neuropathy can be completely avoided or reversed with proper nutritional supplementation. And why Vitamins (and which Vitamins) are "the biggest key" for Neuropathy.
—Why you need proper lab tests to determine which Vitamin supplements you need since too low or too high levels can kick off Neuropathy.
—The Copper-Zinc mineral ratio that must be kept in proper balance for Neuropathy patients. And the herbals that are "extremely helpful" for Neuropathy.
—Why Diathermy is "very important" in treating Neuropathy in Dr. Prather's office and helping to cancel amputation surgeries.
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Dr. Prather opens the show with an update about the latest statistics from the government's own database on the potential harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. Then, Dr. Prather reveals the shocking reason why some people have a negative view of Chiropractic care without realizing why they have a negative opinion. In this episode, we talk about:
--Why the perception of Chiropractic being unsafe and unscientific was the result of a conspiracy on the part of the American Medical Association that was proven in a landmark Supreme Court case.
--How insurance companies prove the safety of Chiropractic by offering Chiropractors the lowest malpractice rates of any health care professional. And how low malpractice rates surprisingly result in a lower reimbursement rate for Chiropractors.
--The variety of techniques in the Chiropractic profession (over 700!) and the gentle, non-force adjusting techniques Dr. Prather uses in his practice.
--The most common mobilization technique in Chiropractic that makes the "cracking and popping sounds". Plus, why Dr. Prather doesn't use that technique.
--Which health conditions require specialized Chiropractic adjusting techniques, including Osteoporosis and post-surgery.
--How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of the top vertebrae is a specialty of Dr. Prather, who is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana.
--How the study connecting strokes to Chiropractic adjustment was composed entirely of cases where the adjustments were made by people who weren't even Chiropractors!
--Why going to your hairdresser to get your hair washed is a higher risk than getting a Chiropractic neck adjustment.
--Why even post-surgical Scoliosis patients with a rod in their back can get relief from a safe, gentle, reflex adjustment technique.
--The benefits of Chiropractic adjustments for patients who have had knee and hip replacements.
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Dr. Prather gives the weekly COVID-19 update, with an important fact about the number of deaths being reported to the government vaccine database system. Then, he talks about how COVID-19 has caused an increase in Irritable Bowel Disease. In this episode, you'll find out:
—The latest compliance rate for the vaccinations. And which group is the least likely to get the vaccine.
—How there have been more recent reported deaths to the VAERS government vaccine harm database than in the prior 30 years combined.
—The complete lockdown happening in British Columbia right now due to an increase in COVID-19 cases. And how the State Department has increased the banned travel list from 16% to 80% of countries.
—How about 20% of the population has been diagnosed with IBS, with 2-out-of-3 IBS patients being women.
—The 5 things that kick off Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
—Why COVID-19 has caused an increase in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
—The difference between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (like Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis).
—How proper spinal alignment through Chiropractic adjustments can sometimes give "immediate relief" for IBS sufferers.
—Why Acupuncture and Massage are helpful treatments for IBS. And why Disease Care is not really an option for IBS.
—The herbs helpful for IBS, including: peppermint oil, ginger root, aloe vera, and a special form of licorice. And the specific diet Dr. Prather has found success with for IBS patients.
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Dr. Prather talks about the side effects and censorship surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines. Then, he talks about the virus more contagious than COVID-19 that is seeing an increase right now. In this episode, you'll discover:
—How they are pausing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to blood clot issues.
—Why Pfizer's vaccine seems to be safer than the Moderna vaccine at this point.
—The state Attorneys General who are calling for more censorship of any discussion surrounding vaccine safety, even scientific discussions in peer-reviewed articles.
—That young women and pregnant women seem to be at the highest risk for vaccine side effects, but older people seem to be experiencing the fewest side effects.
—How there is an increase in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) right now, which patients are mistaking for COVID-19. And how the virus is "stronger than normal" based on what Dr. Prather is seeing in his patients.
—Why RSV is the most common form of cold out there, but most people have never even heard of it.
—The risk of RSV in turning into pneumonia.
—How there is no medical treatment for the RSV virus.
—Why Chiropractic and Acupuncture are helpful for combating viruses. And how draining the lymph system is "the game-changer" for fighting viruses.
—The natural supplements most effective for boosting your immune system and fighting RSV.
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
High blood pressure is a contributor to cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease. But 95% of those with hypertension have no symptoms and have no idea of the danger they are facing. In this episode, discover:
--What range is considered to be high blood pressure. And which of the numbers (systolic or diastolic) is considered the most important.
--Why high blood pressure kills people and how many deaths per day are attributed to hypertension.
--How high blood pressure statistics differ based on sex and race. Plus, the risk factors for high blood pressure.
--The different kinds of high blood pressure and the treatments for hypertension.
--The problems with medical treatment of high blood pressure, such as the kidneys being worn out by the prescription drugs.
--How 70% of the contribution of hypertension comes from the kidneys. And why the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is a key number to be aware of for hypertension patients.
--How a chiropractic adjustment of the Atlas (the first vertebrae) has been shown to have a greater effect on balancing blood pressure than medication.
--Why acupuncture can oftentimes get someone's high blood pressure down immediately. And which herbals have been shown extremely effective for hypertension by strengthening the kidneys without the negative effects of pharmaceuticals.
--The 40 different Homeopathic options for helping high blood pressure that can be tested and individualized for each patient.
--The "very strong correlation" between vitamins, minerals, and hypertension.
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Dr. Prather updates us on the continued good news about COVID-19 in Indiana. Then, he talks about why he has seen an increase in Tinnitus cases in his office due to COVID-19. In this episode, we talk about:
—The symptoms associated with Tinnitus.
—How the tragic suicide of the CEO of Texas Roadhouse inspired this show.
—Why COVID-19 has caused an increase in Tinnitus. And how a shocking 1-out-of-5 adults have Tinnitus.
—The lack of effectiveness in medical treatments for Tinnitus.
—Why Structure-Function Care is "definitely" helpful in healing the underlying causes for Tinnitus.
—How fixing the neck through proper Chiropractic adjustments is key to getting results for Tinnitus patients. And why wearing masks have contributed to kicking off Tinnitus because of TMJ Syndrome.
—The clinical trials that have shown Acupuncture as an effective treatment for Tinnitus.
—The connection between low Zinc levels and Tinnitus. And how the Copper-Zinc ratio, Calcium, and Magnesium can all play a big role in Tinnitus.
—Why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy the "magic bullets" for treating Tinnitus.
—Plus, Health Coach Justine Turner gets the month started off right with a Motivational Moment about exercise that will inspire you to get moving!
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Dr. Prather gives a VERY encouraging COVID-19 update about what is happening in Indiana. Then, we talk about the importance of Chiropractic adjustments to keep you in optimal health. In this episode, you'll find out:
—When the mask mandate ends in Indiana.
—How the numbers of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are plummeting in Indiana.
—Where Indiana ranks nationally in COVID-19 vaccinations.
—The two systems in your body that tell everything else what to do. And why Dr. Prather always starts there with his patients.
—How Chiropractors aren't just bone doctors, but really are dealing with the nervous system.
—The gentle upper-neck adjustment that is a specialty of Dr. Prather's and how it impacted his own life and health.
—How Dr. Prather's adjusting techniques are so gentle that they can be done on newborns or an elderly person with brittle bones.
—Why the Chiropractic adjustments in Dr. Prather's office are able to hold for a longer period of time compared to other adjusting techniques.
—The "secret sauce" of combining Structural and Functional Medicine together to get the best results for patients.
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Dr. Prather gives a COVID-19 update filled with good news. Then, he answers the question that he gets at least four times a day about the safety of vaccines. In this episode, you'll discover:
—Why some scientists believe we might have achieved herd immunity.
—How the COVID-19 "long-haulers" (who continue to have symptoms after they have recovered from the virus) are seeing their symptoms disappear within a couple of days after taking the vaccination.
—Which COVID-19 vaccine brand Dr. Prather calls "the game-changer".
—Why you should definitely make sure you test negative for COVID-19 before you take the vaccine.
—The reason why Dr. Prather says the history of vaccines have probably been "the most successful health campaign ever".
—How vaccines, like all pharmaceuticals, always carry some risk even though their benefits far outweigh the negative incidents.
—The history behind the legislation that made pharmaceutical companies and doctors no longer liable for vaccination lawsuits. And the government vaccine injury fund that exists to pay damages for vaccine injuries.
—Why Dr. Prather says vaccines are safer than ever before, but the risk comes because there are more vaccines being taken by children than ever before (and often at the same time).
—The protocol Dr. Prather uses to help prepare patients for vaccinations so that they will not have any negative reaction or side-effects.
—How Dr. Prather has been able to help every patient who has come to him with a vaccine injury through "good Structure-Function Care".
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about which medications to avoid while taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Then, we talk about why Nickel is the most toxic and dangerous of all heavy metal toxicities. In this episode, you'll learn:
—Whether you should take the vaccination while you are sick with COVID-19.
—Why NSAIDs (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) should be avoided while taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
—How a 90-day waiting period is recommended after having COVID-19 before you take the vaccine.
—The sources of Nickel Toxicity, including: jewelry, cookware, batteries, cosmetics, baking powder, imitation whipped cream, hydrogenated peanut butter, margarine, heart stents, hip and knee prosthetics, cigarettes, and vegetable shortening.
—Why Dr. Prather always treats Nickel Toxicity as a crisis and emergency situation. And the symptoms of Nickel Toxicity.
—How women and children are at greatest risk for Nickel Toxicity. And why you should NEVER wear Nickel jewelry of any kind (especially piercings).
—The connection between dental work and Nickel Toxicity, including in young children.
—Why Nickel Toxicity can be an underlying cause of auto-immune diseases, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Infertility, and Cancer.
—How to test for Nickel Toxicity. And Dr. Prather's "secret" to a 100% success rate in removing Nickel Toxicity from the body.
—Plus, you'll hear from Michaela about how The Prather Practice helped to turn around her health after years of suffering from injuries sustained in a car accident.
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
As Dr. Prather says, women are the ones who take care of everyone else, but too often neglect to take care of themselves. In honor of Women's History Month, we focus on Women's Health this week. In this episode, we talk about:
—How the COVID-19 infection and death rates have dropped significantly, which is great news.
—Why the new "variants" of the COVID-19 virus are more contagious and deadly forms of the virus, which is the bad news.
—Whether prior infection and vaccination will protect you from the new COVID-19 variants.
—How the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination (that Dr. Prather calls "a real game changer") is based on the Ebola vaccination, which is proven to be safe and effective.
—The importance of sleep, exercise, social time with friends, and reflective time to maximize a woman's health and well-being.
—The difference between P.M. sleep (before Midnight) and A.M. sleep (after Midnight). And how P.M. sleep has a bigger effect than A.M. sleep, providing the benefit of two hours of sleep for every hour you are asleep.
—Which health screenings women should get on a regular basis. And why everyone should have a Structure-Function Care physician to provide 80% of their health care.
—Why Heart Disease is increasing in women. And why cervical cancer screenings have been one of the most successful tools in reducing death rates among women.
—How healthy weight loss can dramatically impact your bloodwork and overall health.
—Plus, Health Coach Justine Turner of The Prather Practice joins us for a Motivational Moment segment to talk about ways we can practice self-care.
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
In honor of Black History Month, this week's show is about how the Black community was hit harder by COVID-19 than any other population group. In this episode, you'll find out:
—How the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has several advantages over the other brands, including the lack of allergic responses seen in other vaccine brands.
—When herd immunity for COVID-19 is expected to be reached and restrictions (like lockdowns) reduced.
—Why they currently expect the COVID-19 vaccine to be an annual shot, similar to the flu. And which masks are "worse than not wearing a mask at all".
—How the CDC reports we have lost, on average, a year of life expectancy for the first time since World War II. But the Black community lost almost three times as much life expectancy during the pandemic.
—The underlying health risks in the Black community (such as Hypertension, Obesity, Type II Diabetes) and how these issues contributed to the higher adverse reactions to COVID-19.
—How the natural African diet is higher in Arginine, which is a supplement Dr. Prather finds to be especially helpful in combating Kidney Disease and Hypertension for Black patients.
—Why Dr. Prather says Vitamin D needs to be tested more for patients with darker skin, which has been a key factor in how people have reacted to COVID-19.
—The damaging effects of Low Vitamin D on Cardiovascular Health, Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, and Asthma.
—The importance of increased use of Structure-Function Health Care to see improvements in the health of the Black population.
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Saturday Feb 20, 2021
Fiber isn't something most would describe as "sweet". But Dr. Prather explains that fiber can have many sweet benefits for our health. In this episode, we talk about:
--How the modern diet has replaced fiber with sugar, resulting in "untold consequences to our health and well-being".
--The experiment a college professor of Dr. Prather's conducted by adding fiber to the diets of the hogs on his farm.
--Why Dr. Prather calls fiber "a magic and missing" ingredient in someone's diet if you want to change their health.
--The amount of fiber Dr. Prather recommends for daily intake (and why he disagrees with the official recommendation amount).
--Which sweeteners Dr. Prather recommends instead of the highly-processed sweeteners that are dangerous to our health.
--How our fiber-sugar ratio is the "quickest, easiest" way to reduce obesity levels.
--Why a digestive system with proper bacteria from fiber can reduce the fat produced by our body by 50%!
--The multitude of health benefits just from increasing your fiber intake. How fiber can help with Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
--The good sources of fiber Dr. Prather recommends (including the kind of bread Dr. Prather buys from Europe).
--Why supplementation of fiber is necessary since it is difficult in modern America to get the fiber intake we need. And how Dr. Prather has found "no one" with proper fiber intake based on the G.I. Effects stool kit.