For over 30 years, Dr Robert Prather has been transforming the lives of his patients at Holistic Integration, the top Structure Function medical practice in the United States. Tune in every week as he addresses health issues from back pain to vitamin deficiency and acupuncture to homeopathy. Each episode is created with education in mind, as Dr. Prather seeks to debunk common myths of the medical field, educate listeners on what holistic healthcare can and should look like, and clarify what different health issues mean and how they can be addressed. With a warm, conversational tone and a consistent focus on making each episode human and reachable, The Voice of Health seeks to reframe your view of health and healthcare, giving you the blueprint to True Health. Listen to The Voice of Health on Indianapolis Radio and anywhere podcasts are found: Saturdays at 8 a.m. on 95.9 FM & 950 AM in Indianapolis Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC Online anytime at TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com and wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
The biggest debate right now concerns whether or not it is safe to open up schools in light of COVID-19. In this episode, you'll learn:
—How anxiety and stress are high right now, which weakens the immune system.
—Why the death rate is NOT increasing even while the number of reported COVID-19 cases is increasing.
—The results of Sweden's strategy, which declined to have the lockdowns of other nations in dealing with COVID-19.
—How "everyone" will eventually get COVID-19 "unless you live in a bubble for the rest of your life."
—The status of a COVID-19 vaccine. And how one of the top researchers disagrees with Dr. Fauci on when a vaccine will be released.
—Which treatment is being shown to "turn things around on a dime" for those with severe COVID-19 cases.
—Why most of the children who get COVID-19 have no or few symptoms.
—The health conditions in children which place them more at risk for COVID-19.
—The Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome that has occurred in children from COVID-19. And how it is being confused for Kawasaki Disease or Toxic Shock Syndrome.
—Why Dr. Prather says "it is one of the worst things you can do" to give antibiotics and prescription drugs for children with COVID-19. And the two cases Dr. Prather has personally helped with after children infected with COVID-19 were given the wrong pharmaceutical.
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
In the vigorous debate over mandates to wear a mask, Dr. Prather presents a balanced discussion of both the potential benefits and potential harms of wearing a mask. In this episode, we talk about:
—How the Coronavirus has mutated to become more contagious, but not as dangerous or deadly.
—Why COVID-19 is "not nearly the deadly plague we were concerned about", but is a "really bad flu season".
—Dr. Prather's expectation that the COVID-19 death rate will go even lower.
—How those working on a vaccine now say they don't expect a vaccine until 2022.
—The encouraging news about the treatments for COVID-19 that are working, especially blood plasma from those who have previously had it.
—The divide in political perspective when it comes to wearing a mask.
—Why masks can potentially be beneficial for reduction of transmission between 3 to 17 percent.
—How masks cause lower oxygenation, an increased viral load, and headaches. And how wearing a mask impacts TMJ syndrome and jaw tension.
—The patients Dr. Prather has seen in his office who have fallen because of lowered oxygenation from wearing a mask.
—The increase in PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders) from COVID-19 patients, even those who did not have serious cases. And how Dr. Prather has been treating those PTSD patients with Acupuncture and natural supplements.
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, do you know the health of your immune system and your body's ability to fight off the virus? In this episode, find out:
—Why improving your own defenses to a virus is especially crucial for a virus that has no drug or vaccine to treat it.
—How 80% of those with COVID-19 don't even know they have it. And how to get into this category!
—The three tests you should have every year and what they reveal about your ability to fight COVID-19.
—The key indicator in bloodwork that shows how healthy your kidneys are, which is "extremely important" in determining your response to COVID-19.
—Why Vitamin D levels are important to test for your response to COVID-19. And why it is important to test these levels before taking Vitamin D on your own!
—How Iodine is "critical" for your immune system, along with your body's level of free radicals.
—The necessity of Hair Analysis to reveal your Zinc levels, which is the reason for someone losing their smell and taste in severe cases of COVID-19.
—How 80% of your immune system is in the gut and the test Dr. Prather orders for someone with a compromised immune system to identify exactly why that is occurring and what to do about it.
—Why EVERYONE should have three essential lab tests ever single year.
—That Dr. Prather has over 600 hours of reading blood tests in his training compared to the average Medical Doctor who only has 15 hours of reading blood tests in Medical school.
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
This week, Dr. Prather discusses the 5 risk factors for COVID-19: Gender, Age, Race, Exposure, and underlying Health Conditions. In this episode, you'll discover:
—How 72.9% of the COVID-19 deaths are males.
—The nutritional deficiencies and underlying health conditions that Dr. Prather believes are the reasons older people are at greater risk of COVID-19 complications.
—Why co-morbidities (other causes of death) are a key part of the COVID-19 death count in 85% of the cases.
—How those with darker skin are at greater risk of dying from COVID-19 . And how this is linked to Vitamin D levels.
—The importance of the "viral load" exposure to COVID-19. And Dr. Prather’s recommendation to rotate health care workers to minimize this viral load exposure.
—Dr. Prather's explanation about "natural vaccinations" (from being mildly exposed to a virus) are stronger and longer-lasting compared to getting a shot.
—How chronic Kidney Disease, not Lung Disease, is the #1 factor that makes COVID-19 worse. And how Dr. Prather finds that 95% of patients over the age of 30 show signs of Kidney Disease.
—Why Free Radical pathology and Cardiovascular Disease seem to be one of the major contributors to COVID-19 being more serious.
—The toxins created by Diabetes that allow the COVID-19 virus to become much more "prolific" in the body. And the nutritional deficiencies from Diabetes that are directly related to COVID-19 response.
—Why obesity is "the new smoking" in America and makes someone more susceptible to COVID-19.
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
At the same time our nation had the COVID-19 pandemic, we also continue to battle an opioid pandemic. Dr. Prather talks about the three waves of the opioid pandemic. In this episode, you'll learn:
—How Hawaii has been the most restrictive state in the country regarding COVID-19. And the recent history that makes the state more sensitive to outside diseases.
—The (rather cheap) steroid that is being used for the most severe COVID-19 cases and is saving between 60-70% of people who would otherwise die.
—Why Dr. Prather says it is incorrect to say we're seeing "a second wave" of COVID-19 cases right now.
—How this year is expected to see a record number of opioid deaths based on what we've seen so far.
—The autopsy results of George Floyd that reflect both pandemics, showing both Coronavirus and drug use.
—How pandemics usually come in three waves. And how this is also seen in the opioid pandemic, where we are in the third wave.
—The alternatives to using opioids for pain. And why opioids are only to be taken for an acute situation for no more than two weeks.
—Why Structure-Function Health Care is the answer to the opioid epidemic as it gets to the root cause of the pain problem.
—The importance of Acupuncture to stimulate your body's own natural opioid production and heal your body's opioid receptors.
—The 5 Sources Of Pain in the body and why all 5 must be addressed.
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
At the same time our nation had the COVID-19 pandemic, we also continue to battle an opioid pandemic. Dr. Prather talks about the three waves of the opioid pandemic. In this episode, we talk about:
—How the opioid pandemic began in the 1990's with a new approach to pain control based on greed and faulty science.
—Why the reduction of reimbursement rates for chiropractic and physical therapy by insurance companies contributed to the increased use of opioids.
—The "brainwashing" of patients to believe that a pill solves everything.
—The shocking story of an 85-year-old pastor's wife who became addicted to heroin as a result of an opioid prescription from her doctor.
—How opioids "make pain worse" and destroy the body's own natural opioid receptors.
—Why opioids should ONLY be used for acute pain and for less than two weeks.
—The deadly synthetic opioids such as Fentanyl (which comes from China) that are causing a worsening third wave of our country's opioid pandemic.
—How 80% of all opioid consumption in the world is done in the United States.
—The story of how the movie "Groundhog Day" was censored by drug companies because it had a positive message about Chiropractic care.
—Plus, a special final segment with a Mom who lost her son to opioid addiction and is now helping other families from having to experience this tragedy. Go to OverdoseLifeline.org for more information.
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
50% of severe headache sufferers have given up going to doctors because they have not found any relief. But Dr. Prather offers Structure-Function Care solutions that provide hope for those with headaches. In this episode, find out:
—How the Swedish approach to COVID-19 currently looks in comparison to the lockdown model in America and other countries.
—The latest progress on a potential COVID-19 vaccine.
—Why the accuracy of the COVID-19 antibody test (which is supposed to be 100% accurate) is something that Dr. Prather has "doubts and suspicions about".
—How 3-out-of-4 adults have had a tension headache in the past year and almost 20% have had a migraine in the past three months.
—The most common age for headaches (18 to 44) and the surprising percentage of children who have headaches.
—The correlation between women's menstrual cycles and headaches. And how 80-90% of cluster headaches are found in men...especially taller men who are married to shorter women!
—Why the jaw is associated with headaches that people have when they wake up in the morning.
—How food allergies are often associated with migraine headaches, along with the Copper-Zinc ratio and birth control pills.
—Why hormone headaches are "an endocrine issue, not a structural issue". And the approach Dr. Prather takes in treating headaches associated with sinus and allergy issues.
—The connection between "rebound headaches" and pharmaceutical drugs.
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Dr. Prather gives the weekly update on COVID-19 and discusses the pre-existing conditions most associated with a severe Coronavirus reaction. In this episode, you'll discover:
—Why Dr. Prather describes the information coming out about COVID-19 as "very confusing".
—The surprising political party difference for Coronavirus infection rates.
—How it might take up to TWO YEARS for the statistics and information about COVID-19 to be fully analyzed and understood.
—How 85% of Coronavirus deaths have other causes of death (comorbidities) that they are dying from. And the difference between dying FROM COVID-19 and dying WITH COVID-19.
—The pre-existing conditions that affect COVID-19, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
—How free radical pathology is associated with worse results from COVID-19 and why antioxidants are "extremely important". Plus, Dr. Prather's frustration in how Vitamin C treatments for COVID-19 are not being allowed in this country, even though they are being shown effective in other countries.
—Why COVID-19 seems to be more involved with the circulatory system instead of the respiratory system. And the symptoms of "COVID-19 feet".
—The top causes of death in America (and which ones are getting worse).
—Why stroke and aneurysms are linked to free radical pathology.
—The alarming increase in deaths from Alzheimer's Disease.
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
60% of us have low Zinc levels. Dr. Prather says it is probably THE major nutritional factor for keeping the Coronavirus under control. In this episode, you'll learn:
—How the Measles and Flu vaccines differ from one another. And what this means for a potential COVID-19 vaccine.
—The way COVID-19 attacks the circulatory system, causing blood clots and even amputations. And how COVID-19 in children is being frequently misdiagnosed as Kawasaki Disease.
—How the loss of taste and smell is one of the signs that you will potentially have a very strong reaction to COVID-19. And how this is connected to your Zinc levels.
—The role Zinc plays in some forms of Hair Loss and Alopecia. And how adding Zinc supplementation can cause someone's hair to grow back in certain cases.
—The symptoms of low Zinc: loss of taste and smell, hair loss, poor wound healing, poor immune function, diarrhea, acid reflux, acne, mental disturbances, and white spots or ridges on your nails.
—Why Dr. Prather says you cannot have a properly-functioning immune system if you are low on Zinc. And how Zinc interferes with Coronavirus reproduction.
—The reason why Dr. Prather does not recommend everyone go take Zinc, but advises they be tested first. And the toxic effects that can occur from taking too much Zinc, including a lowered immune system.
—How Zinc is the leading reason for fertility issues and low libido for both men and women. And how Zinc impacts Testosterone and sperm count.
—Why stretch marks are not a result of pregnancy, but low Zinc. And how 80-90% of pregnant and breastfeeding women are low in Zinc.
—How alcohol, cigarettes, and pharmaceuticals interfere with Zinc. And why about 90% of older people are deficient in Zinc.
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Recent research has shown a connection between low levels of Vitamin D and COVID-19 severity. This also helps to explain why African-Americans and the elderly have been hardest hit by the virus. In this episode, we talk about:
—The big effect from Vitamin D on our hormones, kidney function, bowels, immune system, sleep, nervous system, and mood.
--Why you can't really get Vitamin D from a vegetarian diet. And why we were made to get our Vitamin D from sunshine.
--Why Flu season is during the time when we get the least amount of sunshine and Vitamin D.
--How skin color is designed to absorb Vitamin D. And why you need to have your Vitamin D checked more often if you have darker skin.
--How Cod Liver Oil became a staple because it helped with Vitamin D deficiency. And the story behind how milk became fortified with Vitamin D.
--How the majority of people are low on Vitamin D...BUT putting someone on Vitamin D without first checking can be toxic. And the other vitamins and minerals that need to be checked alongside Vitamin D, as they all work synergistically together.
--The link between upper-respiratory infections (cold, flu, and tuberculosis) and a Vitamin D deficiency. And how Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Congestive Heart Failure.
--How low Vitamin D can cause you to put on weight because of its effect on the Thyroid.
--Why those on cholesterol-lowering drugs are more likely to have lower Vitamin D levels. And how improving your Vitamin D levels can lower your cholesterol.
--The issues of aging that are linked to a Vitamin D deficiency, including hearing loss, tinnitus, vision loss, and falls. And how low Vitamin D is linked to bowel issues such as Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Ulcerative Colitis.
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment. Then, we talk about how Dr. Prather is now seeing stress indicators in the bloodwork of EVERY patient he tests. In this episode, you'll find out:
—How there is an incentivizing for doctors to put down COVID-19 on death certificates even when that is not the cause of death. And Dr. Prather answers the question, "Are the statistics on COVID-19 accurate?"
—Why we need to make sure the cure is not worse than the disease in our national response to COVID-19.
—The statistics showing that at, at this point, least one-third of all Americans, have already been infected with COVID-19.
—Why the stress and fear as a result of the Coronavirus may cause more death and damage than the virus itself. And why Dr. Prather says you should get outside in the sunshine and not cower in fear inside your home.
—The shocking increase in the number of anti-anxiety drugs prescribed in the past two months...and 75% of those are first-time prescriptions.
—What stress does to a body's immune system and how it makes a person more susceptible to infections.
—Why Structure-Function Health Care should always be tried first (before Disease Care) in the management of stress and anxiety.
—How social isolation causes an increase in our stress levels.
—The importance of good stressors to challenge our immune system. And how extreme social isolation "could actually backfire and weaken our immune systems".
—How Vitamin D from the sun is more powerful than the Vitamin D that you take. And the natural remedies Dr. Prather recommends to help reduce stress.
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment. Then, we talk about how most people have no idea of what a Trigger Point is..."but everybody has Trigger Points someplace". In this episode, you'll discover:
—What the latest statistics are showing about the Coronavirus infection rate and death rate. And why these numbers are good news!
—How Coronavirus patients who take an antibiotic are being misdiagnosed with Kawasaki Disease. And why cardiovascular and circulatory issues cause a higher risk from Coronavirus due to the virus affecting the clotting mechanism.
—How a large percentage of deaths during the Spanish Flu of 1918 were caused by aspirin toxicity due to the large amounts of aspirin prescribed to patients. And the safe recommendations from Dr. Prather to help protect you from Coronavirus.
—Why Dr. Prather believes the scientific evidence shows that opening up everything will be of help as we build herd immunity among young and healthy people, while protecting the vulnerable.
—The President Of The United States who claimed he wouldn't have been able to become President without Trigger Point Therapy.
—The issues caused by Trigger Points, such as: back spasms, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and problems with knees, hips, and ankles.
—Why a gallbladder attack will cause a spasm in the right scapula area. And how Dr. Prather can diagnose a pancreas problem from a particular pattern of the trapezius muscle.
—The spray that can be used across an abdominal muscle to stop Pre-Menstrual Cramping immediately.
—The various modalities and treatments used at The Prather Practice to treat Trigger Points.
—How liniments "make everything work better" and enhance treatments for better and faster results. And how Trigger Point Injections don't actually hurt.
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment. And in the remainder of the show, he shares the revolutionary technology that helps with soft tissue disorders of the body such as scar tissue and adhesions. In this episode, you'll learn:
—How the COVID-19 virus differs from most upper-respiratory infections by affecting the circulatory system and causing blood clots.
—Why natural anti-inflammatories are showing to be helpful in relieving Coronavirus symptoms.
—The role high-dosage intravenous Vitamin C is playing in saving the lives of Coronavirus patients.
—How scar tissue develops in the body. And how surgery to remove scar tissue can even cause it to grow faster.
—The "secret weapon" technology that Dr. Prather calls "revolutionary" for breaking up scar tissue in the body. And how this gentle technique replaces the Graston Technique that actually uses a piece of metal to scrape scar tissue away.
—Why Acupuncture helps the scar tissue to "melt away" and be absorbed by the body.
—How adhesions cause a loss of motion in the body. And how The Prather Practice uses the combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Rapid Release Technology, Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Physical Therapy Exercises to restore full motion.
—The recent research that has shown the Fascia material throughout the body is all one organ. And how Fascia is the main thing that determines your posture and has a very big effect on the nervous system.
—Why the optimal frequency vibration of the Rapid Release Technology works to break up abnormal tissue and helps the body to lay down normal tissue that is fully functional.
—The conditions that Rapid Release Technology is beneficial for, including: Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Issues, Rotator Cuff Tears, Tennis Elbow, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Scoliosis, TMJ, Knee Conditions, and Plantar Fasciitis.
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Did you know that 80% of your immune system is around your gut? In this episode, we talk about:
—The debate over the origin of the Coronavirus and whether the virus came from a Wuhan research laboratory.
—Dr. Prather's view on how the World Health Organization responded to this pandemic.
—How the current Coronavirus test is only 60% accurate. And Dr. Prather's idea on how we can encourage innovation and research in the development of better testing.
—What the latest research by the National Institutes of Health has revealed about the dramatic changes that can occur in the immune system when you change the gut health.
—The story about how Dr. Prather's Chiropractor Grandfather was ridiculed in Court because he told his patients that smoking was bad for their health!
—What the G.I. Stool Kit test used by The Prather Practice reveals about your gut health.
—Why the G.I. Stool Kit is so helpful in getting to the root cause of autoimmune diseases.
—The importance of short-chain fatty acids to your gut health. And how to get short-chain fatty acids through ghee butter and coconut oil.
—The scientific reasons why coconut oil can help with weight loss.
—How antibiotics destroy good gut flora and can increase the chances of a child developing learning disabilities.
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Dr. Prather provides an encouraging Coronavirus update. And Lisa Prather shares her recent speech on how we can cope during this time. In this episode, find out:
—Why Dr. Prather says "we should see the light at the end of the tunnel soon" in this pandemic. And why the next two weeks are critical.
—Dr. Prather's view about who lied about the Coronavirus outbreak, which damaged our nation's ability to respond.
—How the Wuhan doctors were "incredible heroes" in speaking out about the original outbreak.
—How Dr. Prather has found 50% of patients getting diagnostics in his office recently were previously unaware of their underlying conditions that make them a higher risk of Coronavirus.
—The immune system Vitamins that excessive alcohol consumption will deplete.
—Why we should balance staying informed during this time with not excessively watching news programs that create panic.
—The importance of reaching out to others during this time of anxiety and stress. And the difference between physical isolation and social isolation.
—How to rest in new rhythms of work and play. And why getting outside is a GOOD thing right now.
—Why we should change our focus on the things we can control instead of on all the uncertain things completely outside of our ability to influence.
—The three zones we could be in right now. (Which one are you in?)